Warren Oates

Yeah, but you know what? Like the band Television sang, "I DON'T CARE, it doesn't matter to me, I DON'T CARE"

The smell of body odor from that crowd IS a good old fashioned punch in the stomach.

That little devil better be careful before the real devil takes the hindmost.

Different type of soul crushing, I guess; One is traumatizing in how bleak a view of existence it offers, and the other one is "The Mouse and his child"

YES. Thanks, kind stranger. It also reminds me of the infinitely soul crushing animated film "The Mouse and his child"

That image looks like something from that animated movie from the 70's that Harry Nillsen composed the music for…FUCK I can't think of it and I don't want to google it. All I can remember is "Me and my Arrow" is in it…

I was going to say, more then likely if you do MST3K there's probably a bit of Python, the Kids in the Hall and classic Simpsons in there…

There's probably some freak bodybuilder somewhere that does it and swears by it.

I love that movie to the point that I probably should have been from Winnipeg.

I remember reading about his love of Can and so forth, but I'm genuinely surprised by the Floyd.

It's not low already?

Pretty good, although Rotten 'hated' Pink Floyd: or at least wore a shirt to that effect pretty famously.

And I absolutely was! Great call.

First, they've made some genuinely good punk music. Second of all, sexism is unacceptable: but I don't believe they're genuinely sexist per se. It's part of their stage show. You're not going to see the fucking Mentors for Christ's sake.

The real Warren Oates would have just thrown a whiskey bottle at your fucking head.

Who said they were harassed other then one woman? Do you have a poll of all the women who saw them on the tour?

Those harbingers of liberal thought…man I love that band.

I won't disagree with you: I love the Clash much more then the Pistols.

Your grasp of humor is deep, oh wise one…

Thanks Brosiedon, King of the Brocean. Because going to a show loaded with punk bands on a 'Warped' tour isn't a clear enough concept.