Warren Oates

Oh, now you're 'presuming' what Ben has to say? You Nazi bastard.

Mainly a fern.

Because I'm arguing for the Dickies right to do the same stage act they've played for the last 30 years? Because I don't see why this woman couldn't simply not watch the band, or even go in the parking lot if she so wants and hand out flyers to the poor, poor kids who might see and hear such atrocities on stage?

I'm actually a plant from the Alex Jones site sent to sow discord on the AVClub website…don't tell anyone.

Which they celebrated by wearing bondage clothes.

Clarify, good sir. As poster Ben Grimm does not quantify who the 'asshole' in the statement is, I am more then free to conjecture based on the verbiage posted.

I think you wanted to say "That's the way I like it Uh huh Uh huh…"

You're changing the point of the argument: you could argue they were protesting against love songs by writing anti-romance songs and so forth. Social commentary is a big difference then 'protesting the war' and other Hippy related activities.

Everyone knows the ultimate punk was Leo Sayer…did you see that Jewfo on that guy?

I am not as very old, but pretty old and went to a lot of shows in the 80's. Clarify what it was protesting for me. The closest I can think of is Reagan Youth.

First, it was meant as a sarcastic reaction to the initial statement. My point is that it's a DICKIES show. A band that is a known as a humor based punk band (go listen to them) and I think the protester over-reacted. It is SATIRE: the idea of this old man making these sexually provocative jokes which even he doesn't

Punk isn't protest: Hippie shit is protesting. Punk is more about rebellion and not being constrained by 'touchy feely safe space' horse shit. Punk was a reaction to the Prog and hippy shit before it.

The point I'm making is it's shock value, and silly ones at that: have you ever LISTENED to the Dickies? I'm fucking amazed that someone wouldn't just laugh at them. This isn't a 'serious' punk band by any stretch.

Can I add "Moonlight (feels right)" and remain edgy though?

If you need me I'll be working on my Little River Band covers…now they're edgy.

Don't do what Donny Don't Does always works for me.

Initially yes, but then they realized if Bonzo is going to Bitburg they might as well hop in on the fun…

I beg to differ: the lady in question felt the need to 'protest' their act instead of, you know, not watching it. I hate when conservatives use the term 'snowflakes' and make fun of 'safe places', and this is the sort of shit they can point to as an example.

Yes, because my statement is meant to be taken very literally. Did you know Jello Biafra was actually into bulldozing the rainforest, and Joey Ramone moonlighted as a Klan member?

People get mad at green beans? I NEED to hear that punk song!