Warren Oates

As we face that dark abyss that is kinja, I just want you guys to know: if I ever run into any of you bums on a street corner, let's just pretend we never met.

You can add a good portion of us straight folks as well. No matter your sexual orientation, you probably shouldn't care about what Bret Easton Ellis likes or even thinks about anything.

Sigh…I'm going to miss dumping your books, Archmage.

Why does it hurt when I pee?

I did the same thing in the very early 90's with a (SHUDDER) Randall. I wisely re-sold it to some death metal guy and got the deal of a lifetime when I found a Marshall JCM 800 (the last good Marshall in my mind) at a yard sale.

Says you: the secret is to pee INTO the back end that's blowing outward away from you.

Pre-Amps? You heathen, it needs to be a straight tube amp with volume only: if you want distortion you put it on ten!

One of the better riffs in the new MST3K season was during Avalanche when a skier is running ahead of said Avalanche and one of them starts the "Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all…nothing at all…NOTHING AT ALL…"

Must be a LOT of Pantera influenced metal bands starting up…

It was surprisingly easy!

Analog for this shitty guitarist…digital, why I never! What's next, a solid state guitar amp as opposed to tubes?

Who are you, Johnny Thunders or Link Wray?

I only wish I HAD come up with the War On Oates poster, who seemed to genuinely hate me. I have to admire someone who hates me THAT much. Sure, lots of people hate me: but that guy had something none of the rest had. Moxie.

I will fucking END you for that, you dirty son of a bitch.


Long and rich……there's a joke in that somewhere….

Long and rich……there's a joke in that somewhere….

There was a never time to be those bastards…I say this with the bitterness of having being dragged to one of their shows in the 90's by the ex, who is currently working as a wicked witch somewhere over the rainbow.

All I know is the NY Jets better draft the Night King with the first pick next year.

As someone who has seen and loves that film, I am curious as to his love for said beverage. Maybe it's better when you're on amyls?