Warren Oates

Hey, what do you expect from an Al Adamson movie?

I got tickets to both shows in NYC…that being said, I could invite someone else.



As a die-hard Jets fan and all the agony that entails, even I thought your franchise had done an extremely stupid thing starting Johnson in that playoff game over Flutie. I mean, WTF?

Reggie Bars! Loved them. As a kid on Lawn Eyeland in the late 70's, when Reggie was basically a demigod, they were everywhere.

Someone talking about Tony Hop?

Disco Duck and Fleetwood Mac…

Define drugs: do you mean stuff like acid and so forth, or are you lumping pot into that mess?

Fuck him for that song he did with Sting and Rod Stewart, and more specifically fuck him for the Summer of 69.

This is the proper response.

I fucking LOVE the OCD pedal. Out of curiosity, what do you use the ancient Rat on/for?

I have two: the Fulltone OCD and a Klon Klone called the "Mythical Overdrive"

For some reason, I picture one of those 'ambient' boards where you have something like five different delay pedals.

That's pretty awesome. Tourist Trap scared the crap out of me as a kid when I caught it on the late show.

Or someone who isn't inherently sleazy or creepy…

I think Rifftrax put it best when, during his final scene in The Dark Night, they state:
"The producers have realized their mistake and are escorting Eric Roberts out of the movie"

You're in on the conspiracy!

If it makes you feel better, I remember a recent loon was charged and convicted of said crime…

Take your post and shove it.