Warren Oates

You jest, but I wish there was a failed Warren Oates pilot from the 70's in existence…

That's an abomination in God's eyes.

Come back! I just don't know how to communicate my love of Peanut Butter!

Fuck you: that's a GREAT cookie.

That's more like comedy diarrhea…what a shitty, shitty fucking movie.

It's the same ability that allowed Michael Bay to ruin the concept of robots that can change into cars and what not dull as fuck…

Don't forget those criminal fucks "The Beatles" - I hear a lot of stolen riffs and chords in their music to boot.

Horseshit. I've seen Lady Snow Blood a lot of times, and while there are scenes (the end fight obviously) you're leaving out Thriller, a Cruel Picture (there's literally Daryl Hannah with the eye patch), Revenge is my Destiny, and about a dozen other exploitation films.

It's the mane part of why they're so delicious!

In the 70's every record player came with Frampton Comes Alive, so it was seen as an improvement.

I get the joke, but in all seriousness I'd say Whiplash, Hit the lights or Seek and Destroy…and maybe No Remorse

You're entitled to your opinion, even if it's wrong.

Really? I love "Four Horsemen" if only for the break part…the "but you..you're not searching are you now…" part

Says you. I like this show a ton, and I feel it completely warrants it: if anything, it should be more in-depth and discuss wall paneling in detail.

You're a gifted storyteller.

Can't argue with that list, but I'd want "Hateful" and "I'm not down" up there as well…that album has a ton of stand out songs.

The guitar riff is literally the same: they both start with the open A and do the descending riff off the A string. Doesn't matter if they're written by different people. The chord pattern is the same.

I love "Lost in the supermarket" but I also associate with the songs narrator a bit.

You ARE insane! Next you're going to tell me how much you love "Lover's Rock"

You're both insane: it's clearly the worse song on the album. The "Card Cheat" on London Calling equivalent, the "Indian Song" from #1 record…