Sean Maher was in the finale. The Firefly curse continues…
Sean Maher was in the finale. The Firefly curse continues…
I hated that the Rock Band version of "Electric Version" made you sing A.C. Newman's parts in the chorus, which were always so buried in the mix that I always defaulted to Neko Case's vocals instead. Which meant I always ramped up tons of points in the verses, only to lose all of them come chorus time.
And then Al returned the favor by singing backup on the Ben Folds song "Time."
Fleur de Lis flew the remaining cast members over to the AV Club offices so they could Like your comment.
I still buy em cause I can only really listen to CDs in my car. I have an FM transmitter for my iPod, but reception is spotty most of the time.
I saw Jeff Hanson perform at the Local 506 in Chapel Hill. It was a Sunday night, so the place was practically empty. After he had played a few songs, someone in the audience requested "Losing A Year," the first track off his self-titled album. Jeff said he rarely ever plays that song live. Seeing as how it was just…
We'll just have to wait until someone decides to do an anthology-style film adaptation of "Machine of Death."
I'm sure that's what the Criterion people said when they realized they had nothing else for the Last Metro liner notes. "Just throw that out there."
I knew "Tennessee Waltz" sounded familiar. Belle and Sebastian borrowed the melody for "Slow Graffiti."…
It makes sense, since that song is pretty much a carbon-copy of "You Get What You Give," only with Spanish guitar and a female vocalist.
It makes sense, since that song is pretty much a carbon-copy of "You Get What You Give," only with Spanish guitar and a female vocalist.
That's actually a photoshopped version of the old "Godzilla vs. The Thing" poster:
That's actually a photoshopped version of the old "Godzilla vs. The Thing" poster:
That hat will never not look Photoshopped onto his head.
That hat will never not look Photoshopped onto his head.
Too bad that "Red Chapel" hyperlink doesn't go anywhere. I was genuinely interested to hear what you guys had to say about that movie.
Too bad that "Red Chapel" hyperlink doesn't go anywhere. I was genuinely interested to hear what you guys had to say about that movie.
At least the Danish version had the courtesy to solve the case by the end of season one.
I beg to differ about this week's Comedy Bang Bang. While Nealon threatens to derail the show, the amazing round of Would You Rather more than makes up for any shortcomings the episode may have.
After watching Olivia Colman's gripping performance, the second season of "Look Around You" won't feel quite the same.