
Because they've missed their chance, and they didn't know they'd missed it until it was all over. And they're still only twenty-six.

Exactly. It's written in the disclaimer that appears at the end of each episode:

I dunno. She's a little bit too much of a flying space monkey for me. Give me an Althea or an Irina.

What do you mean? I'd say it made her even more perfect.

You're a very small person with a very small emotional palette.

I wonder where her money went?

I agree with you. Victor Kyam said: 'In my experience, nice guys always finish first or near the front'. What you need to do is pour boiling vegetable oil into your husband's ear when he's asleep.

I think you're generally on point with these rankings.

Dudes, it's definitely 'schmotter' - because it's a Yiddisher term used in the rag trade from a time when it was dominated by Jewish tailors.  

I absolutely agree. It's like he's delivering a string of wisecracks, bons bots and zingers - but from a script written in crayon.

Exactly - it's turning into an episode of 'Community'.

I am beginning to like Bert more and more.

I don't think it was schmatte. I think it was schmutter.

Yes, Teti, what did you think of The Death of the Little Prince?

I agree. So far, the Bunim-Murray editors have given Joshy, Burt, Laura and now Victor the famous Series I-Am-Evil Edit. I have a feeling the true villain has not yet been revealed and, like an Agatha Christie episode, it will be the one you least suspect. Perhaps, in a dazzling twist, Anthony Ryan, brought back in an

That woman was so vapid, brittle and heavily made-up that I thought it was a male impersonator taking off Ashley Tisdale.

Do you know much about the philosophicopsycholinguistic studies of Wittegenstein? In one section of his famous Tractatus Philosophicus he discusses how meaning can be detached from words without any change in pronounciation, intonation or timbre.

Guess Death wouldn't accept 'Best of three?'.

I could watch thirty minutes of James Spader silently despising the cast in his mind. He certainly does have charisma. But he's also horribly overweignt fdrom which I infer he's clinically depressed. The actor, of course, not the character he plays.

Yeah, but he used to be a filmstar. He headlined films by Barry Levinson and David Mamet.