
Cary Grant and Grace Kelly in To Catch A Thief.

I also agree - worst of all, they're wasting Jean-Ralphio. Fuck it, they're even wasting Detlef Shrimp or whatever he's called.

That's true.

Fuck that - she needs her own show. Perhaps she could go round the country with Rickety-Cricket, the Snarky Lawyer and the Bum Fuckers solving crimes. The Petrol-Drinking Cat could be their lovable mascot.

Yup, a nice Penguiny touch. Jesus, his career has collapsed, hasn't it?

I kind of miss the more densely plotted episodes of earlier seasos.

Yup, I'm not getting Anne/Chris like everyone else seems to be doing.

I thought this was a superb and clever episode.

I'm not saying that - my point is that it doesn't preach that kind of message. It shows it naturally unfolding rather than giving us what the scriptwriters on Blossom used to call 'the shit bit' - ie. a pre-digested lesson by rote.

"His willingness to stand up for himself, and for his friends, shows that
even though he’s been pulled in multiple directions his entire life, he
eventually found a place somewhere in the middle, and dug himself in
deep enough that he ain’t going anywhere. It’s a wonderful celebration
of who Ron Swanson is, and the

I agree. A gallon poured into a pint pot.

They tried to do too much in too little time. I thought Tammy 1 was great - but she needed a little more of a run up to be as monstrous as they were all painting her. And I think they wasted the intro of Ron's mom. She needed to be played by Jane Fonda or Pam Grier anyway.

So, who's the one on the lower left?

The great 'Who shall play Tony?' controversy would have had a little more oomph if Finn or Puckerman had been allowed to audtion.

"Irish Bahr" sounds more appropriate than her real name.

Selby had great charisma = and made a wonderful villain on Falcon Crest, the Dallas knock-off.