
I'll arm wrestle anyone who disagrees

White Lung fucking rules

GREAT article. This album is a real beast.

You eat pieces of shit for breakfast!?

That video game is the key to Shitty City, Randy, and Julian is the muscular mayor.


Listened to metal exclusively through high school like a true rural Ontario dirtbag. Took a bit of a break from it through college. This was the band that got me back into it again. Great stuff. The Wolf is Loose is an insane album opener (saw them live 3 times before they played it). Leviathan is great all the way

Scare bags?

Don't shoot the orange Hulk, he's a good boy!


This is definitely one of my favourite King books - after a bit of a slog post-accident, I've enjoyed basically everything since (and including) Under the Dome. I've really been looking forward to this and am pleased it has turned out so well.

I'm doing some stuff for the Barenaked Ladies at work, and I have put IT'S BEEN into all the related communications. My office hates me. It's great.

Catastrophe is the best and I wish there was a good way to show people how good it is - the trailer above is not great. Season 2 was just as enjoyable.

I saw that tour too, in Toronto. They killed.

It was really nice that holiday not long ago when this came out early - it usually seems to be around 1PM EST (not that I'm counting or anything), but given that it seems to be pretty lowly-commented usually, why not get things started earlier?

Hot tub foot.

I might have said this same thing last year: Netflix Canada has these up in HD the day after they air, for anyone else that lives here (or visits via VPN).

It's a thanksgiving-themed metal band. OBVIOUSLY.

A vagrant in snakeskin is an uncommon vagrant.