
We live in a digital wasteland!

Canadian Tip: leave everything in the url the same, except change youtube to youpak and everything will play.

The Monitor is an all-time classic for me. What an album. I've enjoyed tracks off their other records too, but that one will probably never be topped. If you haven't listened to it, a recent-ish album that reminded me of it is Teens of Denial by Car Seat Headrest.

Fuckin' love that one. Saw them on the tour opener in 2011 at this great amphitheatre in Toronto. I think the first big (non-club) tour after reforming. Didn't think they were going to do it, but then they closed with it. To be honest his voice was pretty done at that point in the night, cause that's a hard one to

Oh how I wish I could pay a monthly fee for a Netflix-ish Jeopardy service.

Powerful last scene/shot this season.

I didn't know the actor's name before googling just now but reading this comment I knew who you were talking about anyway. There is something about the way he delivers his lines on this show that just destroys me, he's so goddamn good.

Spoilers (not actually): this season is dark.

Based on what you mention here, definitely check out The Magnus Archives. They're each about 20 minutes long, and mostly unconnected outside of a slight meta plot. Really great stories. Usually creepy as hell.

Seeso, why you gotta make me pirate this? Sorry for living in Canada.

These are all good tips on how to cook a boy.

I've been air guitaring for months to their last album.

Absolutely the sentence that sold me.

Such good good boys.

Peepum's Nastygum

C'mon Seeso - give me a way to watch this in Canada. Don't make me pirate the McElroys. Orb wouldn't like it.

Revival is great! I didn't mind the first two in the trilogy but End of Watch was a slog for sure.

I did and am sad its not an option anymore. 'Better' obviously depends on taste, but it certainly had more to pick from.

I don't like to remember those dark days.

Don't worry fellow Canadians, our selection is of course very bad.