
Heynong man


This rips pretty hard.

I like this show a lot (and I really like that Netflix Netherlands gets it the day after it airs) and I've seen every episode but man, I have no idea what is happening. I can't believe it doesn't have a 'last time on…' at the start of each episode and season.

Pandemic - excellent co-op save the world game. Can be difficult to win. Not too hard to pick up for new players after a few turns. I've used this as a kind of intro to this style of board game for some friends. Popular and very replayable due to the co-op aspect. Out of all of these this one gets the most use.

Then the college girls.

Great article. Very first line speaks to me. I discovered this band at the perfect time, just before the release of Boys & Girls, and when that came out combined with this one, oh man. I had just moved to a new city, graduated college, it all went together perfectly.

PSA: if you have Canadian Netflix it has the new episodes the day after they air. If you don't have Canada Netflix, just use a VPN.

Great band. Great guy. So good live.

I have a DVD copy of season 3 of this show signed by Kiefer. He wrote, "Your running out of time!" (sic). It basically rules.

Converge fucking rules. Obviously. Jane Doe and You Fail Me are all-time classics. I don't know if it makes me uncool to say… but I actually like their latest one the most.

This song is real good, and their last album The Woods is just a real motherfucker. Just a big noisy bastard. Great stuff. Wish I'd appreciated them more when I saw them open for Pearl Jam when I was younger and lamer.

You are dolphinately the only one.

I didn't find it overwhelming and I can't stand U2. Lance Bangs was a good guest, too. Worth a listen I say.

In Toronto we got a Constantines cover, so we won. Cause the Cons rule.

Canadians: this show is on your Netflix. And it's just the best.

Andy Daly is one of the funniest people alive and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.

May I see your rental agreement?

Completely agree - they should have been a lock but for whatever reason, I actually didn't much care for these guys in my teen years. Now that I'm (sigh) 30, their last several albums are intelligent and just awesome thrashy fast music.

Jason, I really like these articles. Good stuff. I also want to say that the two most recent Propagandhi albums just destroy.