The Aardvark

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I tremendously enjoyed both episodes, and agree that the final scene in the church was amazing. Rafi killed it even more than usual in both episodes, and everything really just clicked. It was an excellent ending to a middling season.

A thousand times yes for your #1.

Hugh is really good at sarcasm, and text makes it much more difficult to decipher, but his blog for this episode threw some nice shots at Eddie Huang.

This just in: people are the worst.

Don't forget Douglas Smith as the pitcher of the baseball game.

Please complain more about the lack of realism in this episode of a show that featured a character who repeatedly had in-depth conversations with another character who never actually spoke and then went to a Zen Pool with him. And a million other patently bizarre things.

My coworker actually asked me that very question this morning, after I mentioned last night's episode being awful. I recommended that he just end with the Season 4 finale. It's not a cliffhanger; the only real question is "how does Dexter react?", which isn't interesting enough to warrant further watching, regardless

I thought it was clear he said "Heather?", although I would need a rewatch to confirm.

This is my favorite 80s high school/teen comedy. So quotable. Hughes movies were more poignant and such, but this movie is just endless fun. My wife and I use lines from the movie in everyday life with alarming regularity.

The "I'm about ready for some oral rape" line…yikes.

I believe it was the worst episode of the season…and I'd still give it a solid A.

Well, like I said, it doesn't exactly bother me, and I thought it was a powerful moment; it just struck me as a bit out of character. At this point, though, I shouldn't really be surprised at changes like that. It's just a bit jarring sometimes.

I mentioned this (sort of accidentally) in the newbies review comment section, but I'll post it here also.

Yeah, I was iffy on mentioning it in the newbies area, but I didn't really think it was spoilerific since it dealt with characterization, so I went with it.

Something that is…well, not bothering me, really, but I was wondering about: Theon saying that his "real" father had his head cut off seems a bit odd.

The role was recast, IIRC.

I thought they did an ok job setting up the mutiny, personally. The first scene had the brothers complaining about the entire situation, and then the scene immediately before the mutiny continues that.

Mathletes is worse, obv.

I was referring to his given name: Gru Pinchot.