The Aardvark

His name was not Dmitry…


I'd still it it.

That and "hey, free dummy" are my favorite Deep Thoughts.

Needs more "City of the End of Things" by Archibald Lampman.

I didn't really get that from the times he was on, honestly. Certainly nowhere in the realm of some of the fucking guest judges. What a bunch of insufferable twats.

I think Hugh has been fine, personally, even with a lesser unibrow.

And then she voted for her anyway. Padma has always been a bit bitchy with contestants, but this season she was off the rails, especially with Kristen.

I really don't care for the vast majority of the Inspector Spacetime stuff (not being a fan of Dr. Who at all), so I found this episode to be pretty boring and just uninteresting, not to mention light on the laughs. I still enjoy the show, but I think a C- is a fair grade for what I thought was a pretty lackluster

For me, it was 1994, right around the time I was graduating from high school. I saw the two parts of the Best Of compilation in a local used CD store, and bought the first one, and was entranced. I went back the following week to purchase the second one, and from then on, I devoured their catalog, ordering an import

I legitimately use "no problo, Rob Lowe" with alarming regularity.

You don't like "no problo, Rob Lowe"? You're the worst.

Regarding spinoffs, I would watch the shit out of the Jean Ralphio/Orin spinoff, Homeless Farm.

NIHT, full of flaws, is leagues better than Fight Club. As someone else mentioned, season 9's greatest sin, aside from the finale (which is just awful), is that it's really bland. Finale aside, I didn't really find any episode in that season to be bad, but many were boring, which people often consider to be worse than

I am finding it difficult to pay attention to these shows, because the team concept is fucking awful. As I was reading both the recap and your comment, I realized that I legit do not know the names/faces of half of these people. I mean, I know Casanova Rivera and the dude that looks like the love child of Martin Gore

Am I the only one who wishes Nina Garcia would have left instead of Kors? Because I hate me some Nina Garcia.

Band name, song titles, and cover art were the primary tools my friends and I used 20-25 years ago to purchase metal albums, with typically variant results. Another metric we tried was if a specific band was thanked in several albums' liner notes. Positively, this is how we discovered Nasty Savage.

I adored this episode before that point, but referencing the Zodiac (a specific interest of mine) sealed it.

I adored this episode before that point, but referencing the Zodiac (a specific interest of mine) sealed it.

Nobody loves me. Look at me, I've got nothing. No boyfriend, no meaningful job, no husband, no family. It's just me. It's just me and my ganja.