The Aardvark

The first Twilight Singers album, obv.

"Twilight Zone" is "fine, I guess"? Blasphemy!


As long as they continue to hate on the Cardinals, Deadspin will be #1 in my heart.

Those three and "Jolly Green Jizz-Face" are the four best, IMO.

I disagree completely with your take on "Friday I'm In Love", but I really wanted to chime in on how fucking good the To Live & Die in LA soundtrack is, and I have no real affinity for Wang Chung; that shit is just plain good.

The whole AIDS bit with Marjorie was gold.


The first Twilight Singers album is my pick here. It was, in itself, a natural progression from the end of the Afghan Whigs, whose 1965 is another high pick for this topic.

Or domestic policy, for that matter.

Regarding Automatic for the People, I think "Everybody Hurts", which is just a terrible song, kind of casts a shadow over the album for people. I adore multiple tracks on the album ("Sweetness Follows" and "Nightswimming" being personal favorites by the band), and don't think that anything other than "Everybody Hurts"

Or the Cloud Botherer.

This is beautiful. And accurate.

Reasonable. For me, it's a toss up between TLLDOB, The Wall, and Disintegration (which I consider a concept album). The Wall just has enough little filler pieces for me to dispute it being #1.

Yeah, it definitely gets muddled. But "Colony" and "The Light Dies Down" are my jam.

Fair. of course, I also consider Disintegration to be a concept album (and my favorite), so…yeah.

I agree, generally speaking. I just really love a lot of the songs on there.

The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway is arguably the greatest concept album of all time, IMO.

I've meant to check out Kennedy's book, but keep forgetting about it. I had a massive yen for her back in the day.

I saw them on that tour as well. One of my favorite shows ever.