Perturbed Internet Citizen

Good choice. Personally, I'm going with Physical Education.

I have to agree with you on that: Community was really funny, but Parks just felt better. The… emotions, you know.

NBC doesn't have baseball.

Not a C-, but certainly not very good. I'd give it a B-, but mostly because of Ruxin.

The last one where Jeff left.


Alternate timeline:
Obligatory save Whitney post. And yes, I know we have very little impact on the final outcome, but a preemptive "you're a vagina" for bringing it up.

That would be the greatest meta thing they've ever done. Ever.

They would never cancel Game of Thrones! 
It's a crossover hit! 
It tells human stories in a fantasy world!

Down the hall.

Alternate timeline comments:
"Got to admit it, they've really lost it."
"Jeff and Anie kissing was sick cuz hes 40 and shes a teenager. I h8d it."
"Where was mr. chow he's the funniest"

Gotta confess: with the exception of Jeff and Troy, I don't really remember what happened. Abed ended with the shouting match and Britta's had the pizza guy, which means that there's no way it's not great. But that's it.

This episode was filled with awesome, but my favorite thing was probably that Abed got the Winger speech.

Pizza, pizza, in my tummy; Me so hung-ee, Me so hung-ee!

Oh, ok. That's better.

… Fox News?

I went to school in Boston. Well, not in Boston- just outside. No, not Tufts.

Correction: Chelsea Handler ≠ funny.

The guy in the hairpiece was Bruce Willis the whole time.

Future generations would never know of the AV Club. They'd be fucked, wouldn't they?