Perturbed Internet Citizen

Catch up on Breaking Bad, watch The Wire, Deadwood, Carnivale, Friday Night Lights… basically every good drama of the 2000s. I'd like to read more books, but I finally read Infinite Jest so I think that fills my book-reading quota for the next five years. See more new movies in theaters, and I GUESS listen to more new

Pretty good episode, although I think it dragged a little at times. The ending was definitely the best part in my opinion.

I recommend it- the first season is mediocre but the last two seasons have both been very good.

The pilot's not very good, to be honest, but it picks up after that.

Best TV moment of the year: Louis CK's masturbation interview in "Come On, God".

The television equivalent of Dawes is Dawes. 
Dawes forever.

No, nothing wrong with that. I just thought it was interesting, is all.

Best Commenter: Scrawler or Miller
Worst Commenter: pass
Best Gimmick: RYC 
Worst Gimmick: doofenshmirtz
 Best Meme: Dawes
Worst Meme: is there such thing as a BAD meme?
Best single comment: "Lights, Please"
Best thread: Law and Order, by far.

Same top four as last year, just in a different order.

1.     Community 
2.     Louie 
3.     Parks and Recreation 
4.     Archer 
5.     Doctor Who
6.     Cougar Town
 7.    Wilfred 
8.     Homeland 
9.     30 Rock
10.   Bored to Death

1. Community- Remedial Chaos Theory or Paradigms of Human Memory
2. Louie- Duckling
3. Curb Your Enthusiasm- Palestinian Chicken
4. Parks and Rec- L'il Sebastian
5. The Office- Goodbye, Michael
6. Archer- Placebo Effect

I blame Disqus.

HBO G- oh.

This fucking episode. Seriously, best of the season in my opinion. A, B+, whatever. I admit that I'm a sucker for the whole Leslie/Ben thing, but even apart from that it was really funny. Jerry/Gary, Ron and his computer, basically the entire trial… I loved it, and you should too!

I was going to tie this in somehow with David Brent's music video from The Office Christmas specials, but I'm too tired.

Even the members of Gobias Industries had to agree on that one.

On Sit Down, Shut Up (but we don't talk about that)…

Off the top of my head, I'd have to say Gob's election video for George Michael. 
"Steve Holt is a bastard. He doesn't even know who his own father is!"

So this sucks.

As a lifelong Texan (yeah, yeah), I've heard of Knott's Berry Farm solely due to the massive amounts of pop culture I imbibe on a daily basis.