
…it's the gift that keeps on giving all year long.

K. West
Can't this asshole do us all a favor and move to Gambia, or the fucking Hindu Kush?

@the rationalist - you are absolutely right.

What the Fuck…
…is a Triffid?

Outsourced is clown shoes for sure…

We could only wish it was Fran Drescher…

The Broncos getting their asses handed to them by the Jets in the 4th Quarter

JackAss Oscar worthy?
…if Gabrielle Subadewhats-her-name can win for Best Actress, Spike Jonze at least has a one-in-a-million chance at the Best Adapted Screenplay

It absolutely still holds up. There's a midget fight…in a bar. That alone makes up for all the "Ow, My Balls!" segments peppered throughout the film.

Interested to see
If Cage will, as ZMF so often explains, display aspects of total, unbiased OWNAGE in this movie

You are neither hot, nor cold, but it is because you are lukewarm that I shall spew you from my mouth…


…Zach Galifinakis will have a role in this movie, due to the fact he is contractually obligated to star in every movie to be produced in 2011/12

Thank God…
CHiPS was on-site to restore law and order!!!

I don't know about Chelsea Handler…
…but I'd do awful things to Whitney Cummings.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking
I have the only gun on board.

For some reason…
…this made me think of AVN's award for best porn-spoof film of 2009:

…does Michael Jackson own the rights to Glee songs?

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Love The Creature From The Black Lagoon.

David O' Russell walks into room…
…gets punched in face by George Clooney…again