
You are far more forgiving. I gave up when the Academy Awards won the Emmy for best variety show back in 1992 or whenever it was.

And Stan knows that on the same night Gaad got clobbered, Elizabeth was nursing an injured shoulder with some lame excuse about groceries.

<quote>My main reaction to this was "Why is Jimmy Olsen in a Supergirl series?"</quote>

Was this person also the author of "Bats: The Big Bug Scourge of the Skies"?

He also played Jack McCall, the man who murdered Wild Bill Hickock.

Daphne Du Maurier was an author of several gothic mysteries and some horror fiction, including the short story "The Birds", and the novel "Rebecca". Bedelia's surname is probably a tip of the hat.

In addition, the previews for next week suggest the writers have a fair amount of affection for the Piper.

I might suggest "lead female characters/love interests aren't particularly well-developed " is more accurate. I've only got through season 1 of Arrow, but I found Moira and Thea to be pretty well-developed overall, especially compared to Laurel. Over on The Flash Iris is weak, but Caitlin is pretty solid.

And it was invented by Magellan!

I don't think the human face could survive that many consecutive slaps, even open handed ones. You'd probably be smacking exposed muscle tissue and bone at some point.

It's worth remembering that he once said that he'd trade his own father for a Tic-Tac. I wonder if there isn't some part him thinking "I can be a better father to this adult woman I share no biological link to than my own bio father was to me."

Really? That's disappointing. It also increases my respect for both of their talents; they both play the very close friends/respected colleagues dynamic so naturally it never would occur to me that they weren't friendly behind the scenes.


That would have indeed been awesome. There is still plenty of time in the season.

I confess I was quite enthusiastic about the character "Raffles". AJ Raffles is a character that seems to have been forgotten in the last century or so. For those who don't know, AJ Raffles was a sort of criminal counter-part to Sherlock Holmes. Raffles was a brilliant thief. He and his version of Watson, a fellow

Well, I don't know how much money went into the John Hurt version, but it had neither action nor a happy ending.

See, I disagree. Taste The Blood of Dracula has several things that make it memorable. Admittedly, they aren't all flattering things.
1) The resurrection. Ralph Bates drinks Dracula's blood in front of the aristo pervs, who then panic and beat him to death. That death turns Bates into Lee.
2) It was more overtly

Right, but if David Skal is correct, Lugosi was still heavily relying on phonetics at that point.

And then they died. "Mistletoe can be deadly if you eat it."