
The book's actually older than Ruthless People by nearly a decade. But, yeah, kinda'.

So, should we call her Poor, then, or is that too familiar and impolite?

I wish the Emmy Awards were bigger on subtlety. Mikkelsen should win best actor on the facial expression in that scene alone.

Pedrad's on what his name's show on Fox this fall. We can comfortably say she's leaving, whether we like it or not (and I don't).

I thought that the dialog suggested that Phil's eye issue was a recent and acute enough thing that it needed taking care of right then. Or maybe my memory is just being overly generous.


My reaction to George and Dallas? "I hope they get it right this time." And by "they", I mean the writers.

In fairness, the agent from this episode did say "we don't have the resources" when Sherlock asked for back up at the Joan-list swap.

This. And his barbs were just brilliant comic timing. I laughed harder at his crack about turning into vapor than I did at any joke on last night's Modern Family.

Technically true, but it wasn't "KGB targets FBI" the way Gaad framed it.

The additional layer of irony being that Phillip killed Amador essentially in self-defense as Amador was hassling "Clark" for dating Martha. That Phillip is KGB and Amador was FBI was completely irrelevant.

It could be like Swamp Thing: "Every generation, when Mother Earth sees too many juveniles fornicating out of wedlock, she gives birth to an avatar to put a stop to all that nonsense with various sharp instruments."

Except last week Lester's brother told him that the kid was hiding jars of urine.

No, that's correct. He drinks the tears.

My wife wondered aloud whether Olyphant deliberately patterned his portrayal of Raylan on Billy Bob Thornton's mannerisms.

Gideon checked outā€¦.

Indeed. When I was still watching the show in the 1st Season, it occurred to me that the FBI declaring the cultists as "enemy combatants" and summarily shooting cultists dead wherever they were found was perfectly in step with this show's worldview.

If there were a show that could pull that off, it would be this one.

I predict 30 minutes of cartoony kung fu action set to a Jay-Z song, followed by 2 hours of Kane pontificating on the meaning of life.

I guess it was inevitableā€¦.