
"This reporter suggested 'waitergate', but was shouted down at the press club."

Damn it, I meant to say "the last Sideshow Bob episode I enjoyed."

This is the episode featuring Sideshow Bob that I've fully enjoyed.

We don't know yet.

My wife's comments during the last few minutes of the show:
"Oh my God, don't be in there. Right, now get out. No don't go into the basement. Come on, you have the kidney. No, leave dumb ass. Maybe she's just dreaming. And NOW HE'S RIGHT BEHIND YOU!."

It's always the last one you expect. Poindexter's totally going to take your lungs out while you're still breathing.

Yes, he was in the novel Hannibal. There might have been a reference to one of Lecter's victims surviving in Red Dragon, but I might be conflating the book with various film versions.

I saw both. I now understand why the TV show about the Green Arrow is simply called "Arrow".

It was pretty good, and maybe I'll read the sequels. She did seem to be consciously imitating those who came before. Lot of that "wealthy family full of dickheads" stuff Ross MacDonald loved to write about.

I only read the first two, but I can comfortably say you've described all of them.

I recall Captain Cold and the Mirror Master each had an episode. Both preferred trench coats to actual costumes.

I did as well, but as I think about it, I can remember enough that I'm pretty sure it won't hold up. I've pointedly avoided watching it as a result.

OMG, me, too!

Conversely, his eyebrows seemed sparse compared with previous years.

The first reboot I've heard about in a long time that I actually have something like a positive response to.

And more importantly, will she be asking Charlie Day if he can see her pussy?
(Seriously, watching Rachel from Friends talk dirty was worth the price of admission.)

That was classy of Kevin McFarland not to reference "Kath & Kim".

I saw that on HBO a decade or so ago. I'm not proud of that fact.
Actually, reviewing Udenio's IMDB page, I've seen her in a few things.

Or you could just plug "Fabiana Udenio's tits" into Google and save yourself the rental price.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say (pause for *deep breath* and *throat clearing*) The Goldbergs has become an ok little show. Not great, and really nothing you can't find anywhere else, but the writers and the producers seem to have settled into a little groove, and it has become quite a bit funnier than its