
No, you don't

Demolition Man
Man In A Suitcase
Secret Journey
Hungry For You

I don't know, I certainly don't remember Stephen King covers being nearly so gory, and I read them all. They were way more subtle then these, some of which I can barely look at.

Tell ya what, man, dang ole, Mike Judge is a funny guy, engaging in interviews, seems very decent, and I am a King Of The Hill fan, but every single one of his movies lacks a proper ending.

Unquestionably, a very talented actor, but I don't think anyone has ever looked at Alec Baldwin and thought, boy he seems like a nice guy!

I understand all the changes that Kubrick made from the original book, except one: Why change Ullman, who in the book is very pompous and "an officious little prick," into not just a decent fella, but the nicest, friendliest guy on the planet?

"Mel Brooks is Jewish???"

I have watched this show with enormous enthusiasm, was on the edge of my seat the whole finale. I did not expect to feel disappointment; no one else thinks it's too much of a coincidence that Jane moved to the same town as her rapist? Throughout her friendship with Celeste, she was never once shown a picture of Perry?

I have watched this show with enormous enthusiasm, was on the edge of my seat the whole finale. I did not expect to feel disappointment; no one else thinks it's too much of a coincidence that Jane moved to the same town as her rapist? Throughout her friendship with Celeste, she was never once shown a picture of Perry?

What about the polluted waste water produced after all those toxic chemicals used to clean all those dirty bottles?

We do a lot of thIngs better in Canada, but this is not one of them. The milk keeps much better in the paper carton, which ends up in the recycling bin. What's the problem?

Possibly the most pointless story in AV Club history. I want it out of my brain.

Oh my god I can't wait for the snow around my grill to melt…Added to the very long list of why I am so goddamn happy to be Canadian.

In a million years, it never would have occurred to me that she was, like, peeing fire.

I find it so annoying in previews when one character's statement is answered by a line from a completely different part of the show or movie.

Shit is right.

It would have been horrible, just horrible, if one of those things had fallen on the site of last year's Republican Convention. It would have ruined my whole day..

OK, but why is Renata's husband referred to as a "deadbeat?"

I can't stand her, but be honest, am I the only one who thinks she looks kind of sexy the way she is straddling that couch? She looks like she is posing for one of those dirty novelty music albums of the 60s.

I can't stand her, but be honest, am I the only one who thinks she looks kind of sexy the way she is straddling that couch? She looks like she is posing for one of those dirty novelty music albums of the 60s.