
Go fuck yourself you smug, shitty, heartless, lying, third-rate, nihilist, career-liar, spineless, greasy, self-delighted, evil, faithless, asshole-voiced, cock-face, zero, pile of festering shit.

It is the On Her Majesty's Secret Service of Tarantino films. I also think it's his masterpiece.

Frickin' Kelly Anne Conway has more sex appeal than this trash!

I have never hated anyone so much as I hate him, without actually knowing that person very well. He is trash, scum, a festering pile of sewage in a blocked sewer on the hottest day of the year.

Well, his dad's hair does kind of look like a Changeling reverting to its gelatinous state.

The American Saop Queen, Janet Colgate! Very sad.


The Day After ran when I was 14. I swear I never got over it. The British film Threads is way, way worse. Do not watch Threads. Do not look up Threads. Do not read about Threads. Forget I mentioned Threads!

"There's no Missus Ameduri, is there Mister Ameduri?"
Guy trying to make King Of The Hill quotes as prevalent here as Simpsons quotes.

George Plimpton was exactly the sort of public figure Nixon would have loathed; WASP establishment, patrician, perceived as looking down on strivers and sweaters like Nixon.

"There's a combover on the presidency…and it's growing."

I really don't agree with your take on when Elizabeth retrieved the necklace from the trash and returned it to Paige. When her mom walked toward her with the necklace, Paige looked thrilled and relieved that her mom did not want her to give up her faith so thoughtlessly, and then looked devastated when Elizabeth told

Great Roger Moore Bonds:
For Your Eyes Only, Octopussy
Mediocre Moore Bonds:
Live And Let Die, The Man With The Golden Gun
Moonraker, The Spy Who Loved Me, and especially the execrable A View To A Kill

"Your father liked Scalia, your father respected Scalia, but your father never trusted Scalia."

This is great but the sing-song stuff gets VERY old after a while!

That's how Cotton Hill pronounced it as well!

That's how Cotton Hill pronounced it. "I killed fitty men."

Not Thurston Moore?? There goes my day.

"Come, Winston, let's eat our Big Macs near the telescreen. Apparently, there's news from the Eurasian…I-I-I mean Eastasian front."

Way too gory for King, as well.