
It's not even about that. Trump and his staff believe in nothing, really. This is just a case of picking on a defenseless group that his moronic base fears but cannot begin to comprehend. Very easy to get votes that way, just as with illegal immigration or PBS. It's very easy to stigmatize and exploit people who

Stone-classic commentary tracks:
Sideways, Paul Giamatti and Thomas Haden-Church
This Is Spinal Tap, McKean, Shearer, Guest, in character!

I loved how he would pick up his phone, listen for a moment, then wordlessly hang up.

Yes, but there's no Hell, just a version of Heaven or nothing.

Had I been Ringo in 1978, I would have been far too busy enjoying the favors of Miss Barbara Bach to waste my time with a project such as this.

They committed a crime…a FUNKY crime! FUN-KEE CRIIIIME!!

Great stuff, well done, but I also do not get how Dirty Dancing is here. Top of my head for 1987 without even going to IMDB; Angel Heart, The Untouchables, Beverly Hills Cop (Eddie Murphy thumbs-up to the camera). For 1978, Superman? Animal House or The Deer Hunter. And 1996? Fargo, of course. But hey, it's way better

No, but I swear this is true: Copperfield's autograph was signed "With all the MAGIC that life has to offer, David Copperfield"

Apropos of nothing…I was at the world premiere of this movie in Montreal in 1979 when I was 10. I met Gabe Kaplan and David Copperfield. As for the film, I was enthralled by a naked JoBeth Williams and freaked out by the part when the kid falls off the monkey bars onto his face.

"Hmm. Thassa bold statement."

I know it's silly, but I hate Henry Francis so much it's difficult to separate him from the actor. I saw his face and sneered to myself. Hitting on a married, pregnant woman! Moving into another man's house with his kids! Into another man's bed! He's a disgrace.

I dunno, whenever I hear youth as an excuse for some crime or misdeed, I always ask "Would you have done something like that when you were 17?" The answer is generally "no."

Wonder what that forgiveness cost.

Well, the truth is of the movies on your list I have only seen Boogie Nights and The Big Hit, so what do you want from me?

Boogie Nights is good, but he is a shitty actor isn't he? And The Big Hit is one of the worst movies ever made, no?

Watch it, there, Clash was completely exonerated as far as I know. And as for Woody, they've been married for about 20 years and have children. She was an adult. Fuck the rest of them, though. This guy should be boiled in his own blood.

Strobe light

"52 Girls" on a loop. Would not get tired of it.

Maudit plotte saloppe en cawww-lisse (very very rude). Never say this to a quebecoise woman.

Tabarnac de ciboire stsie-crisse en cawww-liss de maudit tabarnac! (to be said upon smacking thumb with hammer.)