
For me, its irrelevant whether or not he was specifically referencing the man's disability when he made those gestures. What is relevant is that he's a 70 year old man acting like a 12 year old. Whether its about the man's disability or just something he does to make fun of people, its idiotic and immature and so,

Orbach sounded more like an actual person with a French accent. McGregor sounds like someone doing a caricature of a person with a French accent.

Oliver, you sunofabitch!

Hard to blame democrats when Obama's deported 2.5 million during his administration…It blows my mind that Trump made deportation such a cornerstone of his campaign, but his lofty goal of two to three million merely matches what Obama's already done. Also blows my mind that this wasn't brought up more often on the

The bad guy in Beauty and the Beast is unequivocally the witch. Like, turn the prince into a beast for, I dunno, a month to teach him a lesson for being an ass. Make it potentially permanent AND curse his staff who are just people like her trying to get by? It's messed up.

Animal comic relief characters are my least favorite thing about Disney films. Especially in Disney's modern films - the chameleon and horse in tangled, the reindeer in Frozen, presumably the piglet in Moana. There's no compelling story driven reason for these characters to exist, it's just a box to be checked now.

The liquid was the nitro glycerin he was pumped full of. It could also be an homage to Alien, we've seen that they like to play with that imagery in a figurative way, but I don't think it means any of the earlier bots literally had Alien style milky white fluid - as we saw with Robert's dead dog, even the old bots had

Given that this is the episode called "the adversary", I'm thinking that it will be Maeve. Dolores knows something is wrong but hasn't even put her finger on it yet, Maeve has the entire thing figured out, and has actually begun the process toward the singularity - she is messing with her own coding. This is the

It's not, i don't know what the specific term for the process is, but "re-cellurizing" or whatever you want to call it is already a part of the non sci fi version of this - they strip the organ down to its scaffolding, then "re-cellurize" it with the patient receiving the organ's own cells. So yeah its totally

sooo regarding the colorization of the bots, the pure whiteness (and transition to more natural hues) looks to me like decellurization but in reverse. Which would make sense, their blank protein scaffolding is 3d printed, then cellurized. The hose was just pumping blood into the host's heart, which then pumped it

He put bullets in a tin can and set them off somehow, so the goon thought he was still there shooting. I thought it was cool!

I thought maybe that scene would at least get some points for depicting the female gaze

The CGI bringing Shiva to life looked amazing. Which also means its probably very expensive. I fear the worst for Shiva's longevity.

Most of the comedy actually worked for me except for the "deuces!" at the end. That felt like something you'd see in a high school student film.

Guys, I stopped watching after last season. Is this one at all worth watching? Specifically, is it worth watching for someone who kind of despised seasons 1 and 2?

To quote William, I think this comment says more about you than it does about the show

Dexter's reviews on the av club were what kept me watching to the end. To the bitter, bitter end.

Man that thanksgiving table, for fucks sake

You're totally right, though I suspect that when nitoemah says "christophobes" he's referring to atheists and agnostics. So I wanted to point out that (at least in the US) non-religious people are generally non religious not because they are "christophobic" but because they don't see any validity in religious

Regimes like North Korea, Stalin's Russia, and Mao's China are In fact theocracies. The banning of other religions is no different from the first commandment - "thou shalt have no other Gods before me."