
He means the ballistae can be destroyed by trebuchets, which would clear the way for her dragons

Remember way back in book 2 Dany has a vision of Rhaegar talking about Jon, and he literally says "his will be the song of Ice and Fire", so, yeah.

The dictionary provides both pronunciations of coyote. Also, does an animal have to be a member of an urban species just to find itself in an urban setting? Like, if you see a bear in an urban area, does that make it an "urban bear"? Or is it just a wild bear that stumbled into an urban area.

And BMO's final line, "you just killed someone" followed by a vuvuzela toot is one of the funniest things I've seen on TV in a while.

ugh given how huge some seasons of this show have been, I thought we had quite a bit more than 16 left…

Casino Royale is easily my favorite Bond film, so much so it kind of spoiled the entire franchise for me.

The game really is the "prolonged hunting fps" you describe, even with the shrinking zones. The shrinking zone just allows the game to actually end, I mean the map is something like 8 square km. Without eventually limiting the pay area the last 10 players might never find each other.

I read it as a desperate power play. If he can cure someone of greyscale, it would change the dynamic between him and the arch maester, perhaps convince the arch maester to open his mind to things (like white walkers) he'd otherwise brush off.

I never thought Inception's ending was unclear or ambiguous…its just a cool shot to end the film on.

I just assumed there was an Ivanka joke in there somewhere

I dunno if that's really a plot hole…aside from finding the guy who invented the machine, there is no way for the two universes to communicate. They'd only sent about 100 people over there, and its a much, much bigger world when most of our civilization's infrastructure is no longer functioning, with only 140 million

Civilization would be gone but I doubt humans would go extinct. We started with fewer numbers, and without the remains of a previous civilization laying around to help us. Nora's family sticking around in Mapleton is unlikely but not impossible. Like anything in the Leftovers, it's ambiguous

it would honestly be a pretty rad show

If what Nora said was true, it seems like the opposite - that the departure was a natural event but one that we just don't understand. It's more of a parallel universe concept rather than an afterlife one.

how would one man up on such an alien world lol. If Jerry didn't go back he would have gotten lost and eventually died out there, anyone would.

what happened is they're all dead, and yeah I think everyone's just tried their best to compartmentalize those memories and try to move on. Hard to imagine what it would be like and how psychically damaging it would be to know that a sizeable chunk of your fondest memories are actually fake constructs put there by

I think the story is that the daimonds, rather than continue to fight a war, "nuked" the earth with whatever the corruption was, and assumed rose was corrupted too.

so how is everyone seeing this? I cant seem to find it anywhere and my DVR didn't pick it up

He obviously knew about Christopher Sunday beforehand, and its not a stretch to think his dad showed him a picture. He saw Australian Kevin on the news. "God" does stick out as especially unlikely, but Kevin is at least subconsciously aware of David Burton, because he was mentioned in the background/on the news in

ok sure but then what? your door is probably closed, and if you live alone, that's a wrap. Fido's going feral and in three years he will be shot by a tobacco chewing weirdo.