
Christophobia is not a thing. To a non-religious person, Christian mythology is no different than ancient Greek, Norse, or Egyptian mythology. It's just one of thousands, and is rejected not because there's something unique about it or uniquely frightening, but because it is exactly like all the others - magical

That might be true, but the Force Awakens had A New Hope to examine, copy, and attempt to improve upon. It could also count on the fact that virtually everyone on the planet knows Star Wars mythology inside and out, and so has room to play with characters like Kylo Ren. A New Hope had nothing. A blank canvas and a

We watch him *attempt* to eat the scalding hot potatoes, burn his fingers in the process, and then only eat a few bites anyway.

Listening to Trump talk about coal in the last debate was like hearing a politician in 1900 promise a stage coach builder that the automobile doesn't exist, it's a hoax, vote for me and we'll have a thousand more years of stage coach building.

As I recall, there was a comically small amount of time between finding her and whipping out the giant ass revolver to blow her head off with.

The white starring actors in The Last Airbender movie and Scarlett Johansson in Ghost in the Shell are better examples. But yeah, casting Damon to play an original character who is written to be European isn't white washing. I get why it might bum some people out, but white washing is not the right word.

It's pretty clear though that we're getting closer to the answer - whether a brain really does operate like a computer or not, it certainly operates *more* like a computer than it does a clock. This is progress. Unless you believe the human brain is magical (there's no reason to think so), the brain is purely

If we're talking about a true simulated universe with all of its matter and all of the laws of physics correctly simulated, it probably just wouldn't be possible to prevent the denizens of that simulation from creating their own simulation, in the same way that you couldn't prevent them from concluding that 2+2=4. As

I've never understood why so many just assume that. Like they're laws of nature or something. I always thought Assimov's laws were just things he came up with for his science fiction stories.

I don't know anything about the show but that's a great design for a time machine.

It really was such an odd decision to just, have a good rebel and bad imperial force again. Like, of course this new film should be an inverse of the original set up, with the good guys in power and an insurgent force of bad guys plunging everything into chaos again. To go back to the same exact set up as the

His brief description of a reimagined Force Awakens kind of said everything that needed to be said about the missed opportunities and wasted potential of the film…it bummed me out a bit to be honest and I like the Force Awakens.

AV Club is so salty about RLM, weird because this video is exactly the kind of thing you'd expect them to praise. What's wrong with taking a little while to come out? This thing is so much more substantive than all the crap that came out immediately after the film.

I ended up just buying every season of Adventure Time on ITunes. I think it's worth it

Agreed, season 6 was the best.

It drives me nuts too when idiots try to interpret someone's "strange" behavior post murder. Like, what is the "normal" reaction you're referring to? If you can even articulate what it is, where did you see it before? I'll bet most saw it on TV or in a movie. You know, those fictionalized things constructed to

The Hitler stuff is overblown, calling him a racist is completely ineffectual because his supporters don't care, but c'mon; Trump thinks global warming is a hoax invented by the Chinese. One more time: Trump thinks global warming is a hoax invented by the Chinese. Then of course he wants to bring back waterboarding

But also, I'd rather gouge my eyes out with corn holders than collect baseball cards.

wow Chris Pine really does look like young Shatner.

The great irony is that Man Covered in Teeth actually has no teeth inside his mouth. His memoir "teeth, teeth everywhere but not a one to bite with" is pretty good.