
It makes sense that the world would turn on the Avengers after Ultron. Yes, they were perfectly heroic during the battle, but Tony Stark created Ultron in the first place. I always thought that was the main reason for the backlash and Zemo's rage.

Yeah the short training sequence towards the end, in which Stevonnie blocks an attack with her shield, slices the holo pearl in half, then round house kicks it out of the arena, is Legend of Korra levels of awesome fight choreography/animation.

you'd probably also say a judge would NEVER tell a defendant to jack off in the courtroom, but:

What's wrong with "having said that" and "that being said?"

I was thinking about DBZ while watching this and how it just pales in comparison. Steven Universe is what DBZ would be if it was written well with real characterization

I don't think its right to say that "no one" or "everyone" who plays minecraft compliments the environments, but you'd be way less wrong to assume the latter.

Yeah or just one star system, procedurally generate six to nine planets and their moons, then give each of those places proper attention to break up the monotony. If the distances between planets was realistic, it would still feel vast in scale, maybe even more so than NMS - the distances between planets there is

Yeah playing the game I was retroactively made more appreciative of Minecraft's world generation. There's a real sense in Minecraft that there could be something really cool just over the horizon - in NMS, once you land and take a look around, you've essentially seen the entire planet. I would love a game like this

knowing that they got George Takei in this, I keep wondering what the film would have been like if they had him play the beetle instead of McConaughey.

"there's a world of difference between "hey, we found a group of American soldiers" and "we found a group of American felons", the latter's much less incriminating."
..but weren't there American soldiers with them too?

He also insists that Jasper is 'coded' black, which was a surprise to me. I think the concept of 'coding' each character is kind of ridiculous anyway, but if I had to classify Jasper, she would undoubtedly be white to me (her voice actor is black, but I mean, he codes Pearl as white and amethyst as black despite

Cant they just recast Michelle Tanner? She was a toddler last time we saw her. It's not like the Olsens put some kind of indelible mark on the character.

eh, reminds me of people who were ranting about Frozen not being feminist enough.

If you ever tell people you're a member of a particular "fandom", take a long hard look at your life and the road thus far travelled, because at some point you made an awful, horribly wrong turn. Nothing awaits you down this path but death, decay and darkness.

What's the problem exactly? On a micro scale crime's been declining for decades, and on a macro scale we're (on average) living the safest lives in the history of the species, or close to it.

"Zuke shared some art that appeared to show support for the ship, which pissed off select fans of Peridot and Amethyst (or “Amedot”), saying she was showing favortism for one ship over another. "

An entire article devoted to Boat Trip and not one mention of the banana scene??

tricking people into decided their vote on issues that will never affect them is definitely a thing, and it's true of abortion but only for conservatives. If you're against it and will never do it yourself, then voting with the aim of outlawing it is nonsense, because legal or not it will never affect you. Likewise

Yeah, to a religious person you are literally murdering a baby, no matter how early you have the procedure done, and if you truly believe that, there is no debate to be had there. It's complicated by the fact that, while it's a stupid belief, it is also a religious belief, which puts progressives in an awkward

I don't get the impulse to say anything beyond "I've seen the British series." Who are you adding that bit about the deer head for? Not for people who have seen the British series, because they obviously know it too. The only purpose is to spoil it people who haven't seen it. Which is pretty messed up man. I get