
Every image in that teaser is beautiful. The final shot manages to be both intimate and epic in scale - many WWII films only manage to capture one or the other. This looks really good.

Doesn't white washing only apply to casting white actors to play characters already established as Asian? Like, the Last Airbender, Ghost in the Shell, the supposed Akira remake. This is a new character in a new story, so I don't think white washing really applies.

Yeah I don't really get it either, especially in regards to his interactions with his fellow inmates.

So in the case of his new friend, say he did "sense danger". Then what? What is the proper course of action once you see the photo of the dead niece? His bunk is right next to yours and you can't relocate. What do you do?

What exactly should he be doing differently? They burned his bed, but the bed was simply replaced, not moved. He has to sleep sometime, and you can only ignore people so long.

Dude, I don't support her, the only way I'll be convinced to vote for her is if come November a Trump presidency looks like an actual possibility. But…its just common sense. This sort of thing happens ALL the time in virtualy every industry. She doesn't need special ties to make her speaking at Goldman Sachs

From what I understand, the actual content of the speech was sort of beside the point. They want big name, respectable people at these conferences for the optics of it and the effect it has on the investors or whatever. Its advertising. According to people who were at these things, the speeches themselves were

I don't really get the outrage over the wall street speeches…she's out of office, and she's offered what like half a million or more to give a talk? If she were currently in office I would get it, but as a private citizen, who wouldn't take that deal?

The wizards are also criminally apathetic when it comes to humanity's effect on the world and its future. Like, if they didn't live in secret and inexplicably like people from a century ago, humans would have, at least, a type II civilization by now.

oh ffs, a blue laser.

I didn't knw this guy existed until just recently, when I heard him on Joe Rogan's podcast. I thought he sounded reasonably intelligent too, but that only made it all the more confusing that someone that intelligent could have such inane ideas about the world. His thoughts on religion are especially baffling.

Yeah you cant watch Matt Damon one punch that guy in the trailer and honestly think the film isn't glorifying violence. Not that I think there's anything wrong with that, just seems like a disingenuous argument.

So to play devil's advocate, its not necessarily about outright defeating the military, because yes, the US military would win against its civilians armed with rifles and handguns. But that's just it - by having an armed citizenry, you're forcing whatever future evil government entity you're imagining to conduct a

Yeah, 10,000 would have been more appropriate. There's no way they spent 10 million overnight, so from now on we'll have in the back of our heads that Greg is a millionaire.

You're right, "average intelligence" is already dumb enough.

They do more with Will than just his admitting the fatal dice roll, they also deftly establish him as a bad motherfucker in his flight from the Demogorgon. In just those few scenes they allow us to suspend our disbelief that he'd be able to continue hiding and surviving on the other side.

I thought the series was great. Similar to Super 8 in its aspirations, but so much more effective.

Patrick Stewart does but all of the other ones were pretty dumb. Which seemed perfectly believable to me. To be a white supremacist one has to at best be generally ignorant and at worst (and probably most often) well below average intelligence.

there are so many great true crime series and docs out there right now, I think the way The Night Of justifies its existence and distinguishes itself from the pack is by leaning into the fact that it's fiction - the setup here isn't supposed to be believable, it's the stars aligning to make Naz look as guilty as

I would like to see Raylan Givens in Purge world