
hmm…ok, here's what I pulled off a quick google search:

Ocean's Eleven type heisting would make for a decent living in the purge world. You get a year to plan it, pull it off on Purge day, make hundreds of thousands/millions of dollars, and its all legal. Like, just do it every year and make planning it your day job.

"It seems, though, that a lot of pro-gun people want to have it both ways, pretending that looser gun laws correlate with both greater liberty and a safer society"
Yeah if pro gun people would drop this sentiment, their ideas would at least be more understandable. Saying that the right to bear arms is about personal

Claims to the throne are moot because Dany wants it and she has an unstoppable martial force. You don't need a claim if you can take the throne by force.

He just couldn't trust her with it, which from what we saw of her probably the right call.

And of course, superimposed maps with red lines indicating their progress

Going to really miss these reviews.
I wonder what the reasons are, if its simply a matter of not enough views/comments, or if Oliver is burned out on the show or something. 150 reviews is pretty intense.

All they had to do was fell a tree and give him the trunk to use as a club.

My thoughts too. Let Rickon be a badass even if only for a moment. He is a Stark after all.

Would have been kind of cool for Rickon to do something Stark-like before dying. Maybe realizing he wasn't going to survive Ramsay's game, he instead takes the opportunity to make a final plea to Ramsay's troops or something, before getting riddled with arrows.

One could criticize the writing for making Rickon such a non-entity, but honestly the fact that Martin named his wolf Shaggydog from the jump makes up for it.

Just because that happened doesn't mean it was SOP

He attacked Jon's army on the field instead of just waiting him out. That was insane.

I feel like that's something a Stark would say to a Clegane, not a Bolton

In fact wolves breed with dogs, sometimes. Black fur is apparently a dog-born trait, so every black wolf has a dog in its ancestry.

I've ignored these articles all season and am just now realizing that betting week to week would have been kind of fun. how's it work everyone gets $100 when they start? I put it all on No One On This List. Gotta make up for lost time.

Well, I think our disagreement mostly stems from an assumption on your part that the core ideas usually associated with atheism are, like religious ideas, preconceived notions handed down from on high that require faith and belief on the part of the scientist/atheist to accept. That's not the case. They're ideas

That's not actually the position of atheists though. No (modern, or new) atheist says "there is no God" because it's impossible to prove a negative. Instead, you'd say that while one can't prove the non-existence of God (or anything else, for that matter), there's also no reason to believe any particular God is

Christianity, like any religion, is a collection of beliefs and ideas. These things are never immune to criticism, and criticism and tolerance are not mutually exclusive.

What exactly is the belief system? I don't even know what you mean by "harder to believe in" as there's no belief system to believe in.