
I'm sure Christensen could have been a great Anakin if the part was just written/directed better.

I say this any time prequel era Anakin Skywalker comes up, but after seeing the new x-men films with the younger cast, Michael Fassbender's Magneto has become my dream Anakin Skywalker. I'm sure the prequels will be remade one day, and though Fassbender might be too old when that day comes I hope they can take

That was a really weird/dark note for The Goonies to end on.

I don't see how this has overturned her character development - she's become a killer, but she's only killed those who she sees as deserving of it. She didn't think the actress deserved it, so she didn't kill her. Doesn't mean she wouldn't stab Meryn Trant's eyes out again if given the chance.

My impression had always been that the third "life" was paid for by his facilitating her escape - something that I'm pretty sure required him taking a number of lives

Man, you've got Brienne headed down to Riverrun *this* episode, and this is the episode we reveal that Sandor is still alive. Why not introduce this setting through her eyes as she's passing through and get the explanation of the Hound's survival that way? Kind of weird for the septon to describe finding the Hound

The Sparrows are a fairly realistic take on what religious dogma and theocracy looked like back in the good ol' days. Doesn't have much to do with the left I don't think.

Its been fairly even handed actually. Bron vs. the knight of the Vale, Oberyn vs. the Mountain were cases of being light on your feet actually being advantageous. Jorah vs the Bloodrider is an example of being light on your feet meaning jack shit against plate armor.

The Rogue Cut is the only version of the film I've seen, and even without knowing about the differences between that and the theatrical version, the Rogue detour felt completely unnecessary and distracting. Makes a ton of sense why they cut it from the film

"Martin’s conception of political power, meanwhile, is much more individualistic."

I'd like to see Dora get her arm stuck under a boulder and have to cut it off with a pen knife

Pretty sure the Starks only surrendered because they didn't want their own version of the field of fire - if Torrhen didn't bend the knee Aegon would have "burned them all". And pretty sure they did bother with Dorne they just weren't able to take it and gave up (could be wrong about that last one though not too

Saying she lacks wisdom is different from saying she's a crazy person.

Was Aegon crazy when he conquered Westeros with his dragons? I don't think this is all that different from that, and I don't think being crazy is a prerequisite. Sane, intelligent people have been manipulating others to kill for them just to obtain more land and power for all of human history, and probably before it

The crazy thing is that even in the show, even when these people drop real magic on fools, it still doesn't mean that their religion is "real", it only means that they've tapped in to some kind of power they may not fully understand. The red God could still be completely fictitious, despite the magic we've seen its

It's interesting but it doesn't look like he can do anything to change the present, whatever changes he's made/will make are already in effect

The mummer's play/hard cut to cock and balls was perfectly timed. The *instant* I thought "what the actual fuck is happening this play is like ten minutes long" BAM right in the kisser.

Yes butt the name "Summer" carries a lot of weight in this story. I always thought Summer was destined for great things.

I loved season 6 too! Its nice to hear because everyone else seems to hate it

that's…a good point. I'll never be able to un see that now.