
its no more a step towards the end of true cinema than the original 2d animated film was. It's an animated feature created in a different medium. What's wrong with that?

I don't really get the angle this Newswire is taking. Is it making light of what Hudgens did? Making fun of her for doing it? Sedona is a special place, and the rocks really are a big deal - don't make light of it if you haven't been there. It may sound silly to punish someone for carving into one of them, but

Huh, never paid very close attention to those lyrics, they're…interesting.

I think Harris does concern himself with Islamism more than is warranted, but c'mon, neither him nor Dawkins excuse Christian extremism or the violence associated with it. Acknowledging that there's less of it compared to Islam isn't the same as saying it's non-existent, and they certainly don't harbor any love for

Kirkman's said he regretted offing Abraham just before the all out war story, so Denise got the bolt instead and he's likely safe here too.

If Macbeth were to kill King Duncan, I have the feeling that would make him feel guilty and paranoid.

Instead of making sequels they should turn this into an anthology series

"God is dead" is a less troubling notion I think to religious folks than "your deity is self-obvious nonsense". The former gives the mythology more credit than it deserves. It sort of suggests on some level that atheists are atheists because they were scorned by religion and left it out of anger. It suggests

Yeah this is more along the lines of how I'd picture it. A "crisis of faith" story in which the protagonist actually loses his/her faith and it's a good thing.

That's all true, I probably should have framed that as more of a hypothetical scenario. All I meant was, if it were possible to have a film about there being no God in the same way that these recent faith based films are about there being one, I'd like to see the Christian moviegoer's reaction to said film - and

I've said before that I'd like to see a film just as saccharine and preachy come from an atheist POV, or, more specifically, I'd like to see the Christian reaction to said film.

This is the Walking Dead I've always wanted, visually speaking. Vast landscapes shrouded in mist, golden hour lighting, foliage that isn't that same damn shade of green we've seen every episode for five seasons. This was a gorgeous episode.

Yeah that's it. We see so little actual heroism and so much worship.
Also, this Superman doesn't undercut the self seriousness of his acts with "all in a day's work, ma'am" type lines like previous incarnations did. I'm sure Snyder and co thought that stuff was just cheesy for cheesiness sake, but it actually does

I always thought people worshipping superman as a messianic figure was just an unintended and maybe even unfortunate side effect of his attempts to help people. Superman just wants to help, and all the awestruck faces and gently pleading hands are just something he puts up with as a matter of course. Something about

What I mean is, without Newt and Hicks, Alien 3 could just as easily be Alien 2 - Ripley is found floating in space. All your reasons for liking it are perfectly valid though and I kind of agree with you…But I do think that a sequel shouldn't ignore or nullify what's come before. Instead of standing on Aliens'

Killing Newt and Hicks sucks because it hits the reset button on Aliens, not because it sucks for Ripley. Agree with everything else you said though.

That's sort of exactly what happened after the resurrection though

Doesn't the fact that you can point to another example within the same belief system mean the point stands though? Another example might be the mass of saints who rose from the dead after christ's resurrection.

I'm sure the tone is perfectly sweet and loving, but if you're a young kid and your parent comes around every night for a "prayer check" you are going to feel pressure to pray, and you're going to feel pressure to pray for the "right" thing when they ask you what you're praying for. That IS thought policing, however

All true. I would just really love to see a crisis of faith film in which the protagonist does lose his/her faith and THAT is itself the victory.