
Every time a film like this comes out I try to imagine the public reaction if a similarly sanctimonious film about atheism came out - how upset people would be, the boycotts, etc…the hypocrisy bothers me a bit.

And the fact that it's presented as anything other than thought policing, let alone something resembling good parenting, is kind of amazing.

They're way less ridiculous, but pretty weird to introduce them in the same universe that featured said immortal knight

Kate Dickie has really cornered the market on disturbing breast feeding scenes

I don't think this movie is guilty of "showing sympathy for the real devils". It's obviously playing within the wheelhouse of religious folklore, and the subtitle states that it is indeed a folk tale. It's very upfront about what it is - unlike, say, The Conjuring, which took two real life charlatans and presented

The story is about detailing the process by which the devil/witch seduces a young, pious girl to join its ranks. At the start of the film, Tomasin is not susceptible to the whisperings of demonic goats. The pieces are gradually moved into place just so, to get her to a place mentally that she is willing to make her

When the credits rolled the person sitting next to me said "well that was terrible". I have been racking my brain trying to imagine what "great" would have looked like to this person.

Lori, sort of

Boy the ghosts seem so…unimaginative. Dead people in 1800's clothes. The original ghostbusters was about the second (third?) coming of a multidimensional God. Maybe the trailer is only showing the boring ghosts though.

The concept of correcting people for saying happy holidays is so insane to me, especially the idea that it's the result of rampant "political correctness". I don't know, maybe I'm just not Christian? And in a country that is, what, 70% Christian, political correctness favors the religious, not the secularist. How

Mabel says *the* shrink ray, not *a* shrink ray. So it's not like she forgot about it, she just wasn't sure if the shrink ray could do that

Actually from what I understand RPG's have virtually no recoil, due to the back end being open.

c'mon let's be fair, he didn't say that. He's just saying it would have been more accurate to the time - which doesn't necessarily mean better or preferable. I think we can all agree the diverse cast was great, but we can also all agree that an American high school in 1959 would have been far less diverse.

ehh if Grease were truly a period piece, and it truly was "about 50's lifestyle", the casting here would have been…different. Grease takes place only five years after Brown v Board of Education.

Yeah shattering Gandalf's staff is too much. Also raises the question of where Gandalf got another staff for the rest of the movie.

The Witch King is so well suited for the screen, but Jackson undermined him at every turn. I loved the movies too but just seems like an odd choice

Maybe Betty's tampering will turn Ice King into the monster we saw in the last Graybles

If I suffered a loss like yours and someone said that to me I'd probably want to slap them. Sometimes tragedy is just tragic.

It's probably already been mentioned but BMO and the Ice King pairing up is actually following through on the closing image of "all the little people", when tiny BMO and tiny Ice King start dancing and Jake makes a note of it.

I never understood the hate around Jar Jar. As if the films would have been better without him. Hell, at least Jar Jar has some personality, which is a rare thing in the prequels.
I also think its telling that the RLM review of TPM barely talks about him, and that review is an hour and a half long.