
The portion of Han's story that's worth showing starts in a New Hope. Why do all of these characters need these grand backstories? Like, Chewbacca isn't some random wookie hanging out with a piece of shit smuggler, he fought in the clone wars! He was like, second in command of all the Wookies! Bobba Fett wasn't

Yeah, and it's not like he was some legendary smuggler either, he sucked at it. You don't get a bounty on your head from your employer if you're good at what you do. All we ever heard about his smuggling was that he ditches his cargo at the "first sign of an imperial cruiser". Sounds riveting

if the film was about science replacing religion, can that really be used as a point against the film? If that's what it was going for? That's a perfectly valid thing to think and make your movie about.

you said it yourself; we do not know if he is guilty or not. The idea behind the pardon is that the state did not prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and so he should have been found not guilty. Not guilty isn't the same as innocent.

And they have four limbs and breathe through their nose/mouth while every other vertebrate on Pandora has six limbs and breathes through a blow hole. That makes no sense evolutionarily speaking. They're as alien to Pandora as the humans are.

They even got the additional charges that Brendan's confessions brought about dropped in Avery's case, which seems to say that they were acknowledged to be bogus. But then Branden is convicted on those self same charges in another trial. Maybe I'm missing something but that seems nonsensical.

I saw the Ring younger than 13 in the theater and it was a formative experience.

Stating that Dassey specifically mentioned Avery lifting the hood, and lo and behold there is DNA evidence on the hood latch, certainly *sounds* convincing if you haven't seen the tapes of his interrogations. But we all know the police likely already knew there was DNA evidence on the hood latch and their

I think the Road is way darker than this. In fact there are so many instances of random acts of kindness and humanity in this film despite the harsh environment and brutality of the time that I'd call this one genuinely uplifting

I think the Road is way darker than this. In fact there are so many instances of random acts of kindness and humanity in this film despite the harsh environment and brutality of the time that I'd call this one genuinely uplifting

I thought it was kind of funny. She has this gleaming outfit with a cool cape, but it's all fluff - she's actually completely useless, and a coward on top of it.

The base turning back into a star was a neat visual, but i mean, that's a god damn tiny star. You can fit over a million earths inside our sun - that's the kind of size discrepancy we're talking about. The idea that something planet sized could suck up an entire star's energy is pretty hard to swallow, even for Star

This is all true, it's hard to imagine a better role for him in this film though.

When Not-death star was targeting the resistance base at the end, and they're counting down to their imminent doom, why didn't they leave the base. like, that death star is half a galaxy away. Just, you know, get off the planet it's about to blow up? Just to be safe?

If I were to guess, id say he's Darth Plagueis, the sith master Palpatine tells Anakin about in Revenge of the Sith.

I actually thought C-3PO's introduction was one of the best - interrupting Han and leia's meaningful stare with his "goodness!" got a big laugh in the theater.

I was wondering if they purposely made Adam Driver look a bit like Hayden at the end of Revenge of the Sith. I can easily imagine a familial connection there just visually.

Do people really believe radical Islam is an existential threat to civilization? Even if you sub out "radical Islam" for "terrorism" in general, that's an insane thing to think

John coming around after touching Kevin's wound is straight up "the incredulity of Saint Thomas" wherein Saint Thomas doesn't believe in christ's resurrection until Jesus appears to him and he sees and touches Jesus' wounds for himself.