
All the red letter media stuff brought up here is pretty far off I think.
"The idea, not uncommon in film criticism, is that no amount of visual splendor can make up for the lack of a good story. Through snide repetition, Red Letter Media takes this idea a little further, making visual splendor seem almost inherently

make ordinary *fucking* love

Gotta say, while "war is eternal" is far from an inspired concept, it's more interesting than "the ultimate soldier fights to put an end to war"

Is that an indictment on western animated series? Because Legend of Korra 's final season was only last year.

It's interesting how polarizing recent seasons of Adventure Time are. Finn's arc with his dad is one of my favorite things the show's done.

you can be bleak and depressing without forcing the false dichotomy of Violence = pragmatism, compassion = naiveté.

I didn't say Rick wasn't justified, but he was certainly brutal. You don't have to be in the wrong to be described as brutal, it's an amoral adjective.

I guess the idea is to mirror Rick and Morgan's choices in handling this particular group of people. Morgan lets them all go, Rick brutally murders them

They go so far out of their way to hammer home the idea that any act of compassion will get you killed, it's genuinely weird at this point. Like, it's not a matter of pragmatism anymore. It's that there's this magical karmic force in this show's universe that punishes you for doing anything nice. They could have

The guy with the gun was the one Morgan let go last episode

I was just about to say this - not only is the antagonist firmly established as a demon, but an old fashioned beast demon. Remember when we see his footprints? He's got dinosaur feet. If we could've seen him back then he probably would have had wings and a flaming sword too.

what did brood-sows and their litters ever do to you? I think they're the ones getting shafted being compared to the Duggars.

It's more than the Ewoks dude. Try to make sense of the plan to rescue Han. It's the same type of nonsensical plotting we see in the prequels. But also, Ewoks.

This has always been my problem with the show, but unfortunately I think it's just something we have to accept if we're going to keep watching. Realistically the zombies would be taken care of and the infected quarantined within the first week. Realistically there wouldn't be an apocalypse - and even if there were,

How does the sound of the scream even reach the planet.

oof he got you good

"Mr. Poopybutthole is from an alternate reality where he was a friend of the Family. The stuff drugs just make him think he is watching tv."
He's a parasite that's infected the minds of the viewers. He clearly doesn't exist in the show's reality.

I have a feeling they skipped over all of that stuff because a) that's way too cool and interesting and b) they couldn't figure out how their version of zombie lore would crash society, so they skipped it. Remember it may not even BE a virus - we don't know why people turn after death, just that if you die you turn

I thought Daniel was actually carving a bite mark into the soldier's arm, essentially forcing him to cooperate with the good guys as the military would then undoubtedly euthanize him if he tried to rejoin them. But nah, he was just torturing him. Which apparently works now!

I don't understand the differentiation between cartoon characters and live action characters. They're both representations of fiction, both portrayed by actors, the visual aspect is the only variable.