
Rick's improvised gun was so cool

Piccolo is actually the template from which all further frenemies draw from in Dragonball, including Vegeta.

So our heroes confront one of the villains, and the villain narrowly escapes. I'm kind of stunned they did this again. It was exciting when Fet busted through the brick wall, because it seemed like a final confrontation was inescapable - I mean it was established in Dutch's attempted escape sequence that this floor

That's like, every fan theory for every show. It's either purgatory, or the protagonist is insane or in a coma.

Probably, but what I meant was that the microverse's stars could be used for energy - completely negating the need for a planet with intelligent life in the first place. I don't know how much energy the goobleboxes generate, but I imagine the energy output of that planet's sun alone would dwarf the goobleboxes'

Imagine if they were wookies though

I dunno, the fact that he refers to himself as "tiny rick" instead of "young rick" or something might be telling. I just assumed he'd created a younger body that was literally a tinier version of his old self. So not what he actually looked like at that age

I think it is nature more than nurture, but not in the sense that he's a bad person. He's a good person, but his nature demands him follow through with his tasks honestly and to their logical conclusion, at the expense of everything he holds dear. Forrest was born in the wrong time period; he'd fit right in in

I like the idea that Rick's microverse is presumably populated by hundreds of billions if not trillions of stars, which are, you know, fusion reactors, and yet he chooses to gather his energy from slave-labor-foot-peddle machines. I'm not sure if that's a deliberate character beat or just something we need to buy in

yeah without the Ice T stuff, this episode would have worked a lot better for me. Ice T turning into ice and revealing he's an alien entity where everyone is an element + a letter of the alphabet would have felt right at home in an episode of ATHF, and this show has thus far respected its own internal logic a lot

Yeah, Nazis have museums too!

a) not one of the world's major religions, all of them
b) I think what I said above is a pretty straightforward, surface level read of the B plotline. It's not an attempt to reinforce any "beliefs" and
c) What beliefs? All I said is that actually being able to see the giant floating heads you're worshipping is more

I don't see the B story so much as a "cult" plot but more of an encapsulation of all religions' origin stories. Also that this new religion is really just as valid as the Christianity they were practicing at the start of the episode - more so, actually, because even though the evidence was misinterpreted and

They weren't in purgatory on the island, but they were in purgatory in the flash-sideways world, weren't they? The point is, they did use purgatory to some degree and it was lame.

The other two I understand, but would you seriously not want creative input from Genghis Khan?

Adventure Time has pretty strict internal logic and continuity. actually.

you're brainwashed by mr. poopybutthole.

I think ThatLukeGuy already explained that above, and its also not impossible that one of the parasites figured out how to create an unpleasant memory. It's also possible the writers bent the rules just a but in order to put the audience in the shoes of the characters, having an obviously fake character and getting

The joke still stands if he's a parasite and getting shot was a fake memory - the only difference is that it actually makes sense.

I dunno, we don't pop around and follow different ricks and mortys every episode. So far it's been pretty firmly established that we're following the same Rick and Morty, due to their referencing screwing up the world in rick potion #9 a few times, Rick using the designation Earth dimension C-137 in a few different