
In this scenario he was never shot, he created that memory for them while he slipped out the back or something. He essentially "incepted" the family with the idea that he's not a parasite and to let him go.

so i definitely read mr. poopybutthole as a parasite, and was surprised to see its such a contentious issue here. Beth specifically stating he's not in any of her pictures, and inserting him into the opening credits when we as the audience know he doesn't belong there, says as much. I just think he was the only

I…what? I'll reiterate what I said in simpler language: yes, trans people should not be called "it". OK, now end that line of thought because it's irrelevant to this discussion. Unity, being a non-human hive mind with a single consciousness and definitely not a trans person, should be called "it". Calling

I get what you're saying in regard to "it" when it comes to trans people, but in this case, "it" really is way more appropriate than "them". "Them" undermines the brilliant way the hive mind concept was handled here - even if "them" is acceptable in the singular. Think about other hive minds in pop culture; the

So…given what Nora is up to this episode, wouldn't it have made more sense for Eph to just try and show Feraldo his virus? Why go all the way to Washington when you're within walking distance of a powerful person who would clearly jump at the idea?

They both already happened in other timelines, sorry dude

Eh, we're headed toward 10 billion people on this planet, it objectively wouldn't matter - but there's only one superman!

Why didn't they think to put their fucking hoods up for that matter

I actually thought Will was employing a kind of reverse psychology on Hannibal at the end and manipulated him into turning himself in.

I didn't get the sense that Under the Skin was reaching for another filmmaker's style drawing details from without rather than from within (wouldn't argue that with the Refn movies though). Really like that film.

My favorite part was when Frank's henchman just instinctively hands him the pliers when Frank wordlessly puts his hand up. Did they discuss this beforehand? Did he just happen to find pliers or did he have them in his pocket for just this occasion? I feel like they must have discusssed it, It'd be pretty ballsy of

is it the first half of the movie Hannibal or the first half of the novel Hannibal? This series, like the film, is an adaptation.

I did find it gross that The Conjuring, a film already guilty of propping up a couple of real life charlatans as heroic demon hunters, states that the main antagonist (an evil witch spirit) was from Salem. I get it, its been a long time, too soon jokes etc etc, but seriously. They weren't witches.

I think the Dorne story would have felt a bit more satisfying if Ellaria had to kill herself in order to kill Myrcella.

So PB's cabin looks a lot like the interior living space of the super gumball guardian we saw in the last graybles episode.

This is pretty good, I'll be pissed now if Stannis just dies next week anyway.

It's much worse. Jorah *chose* to be in the pit, he knew the risks and accepted them. Shireen didn't choose to be burned alive.

Nobody noticed because that's not what happened. He wanted to screw her, THEN she told him about her plan, then he told her to get the hell out

This is why I loved the Phantom Menace as a kid.

They already gave us an answer to those questions