
George Groiny-Melendez's abduction of Scott is one of the funniest sequences I've seen on the show.

I think the Howland Reed theory is dead, man. The theory has legs in the novels but the show's stripped away everything that made it plausible

Yeah it's a bit of a stretch to say its customary for the KING AND QUEEN to show up at random sparring matches of men who may or may not even compete in the games. How many hundreds of these prelim matches are going on all over the place, and how many does she intend to visit? Even if just a fraction, she'd probably

I'm really curious where Dany's story is going to go now that she has Tyrion. In the book, allowing the fighting pits to open as well as marrying Hizdar all seemed like pretty poor choices made due to Dany's inexperience, and it took Drogon blowing up the games and whisking her away to untangle herself from it all.

Hell she could have told Ramsey she wanted to do it herself, as a kind of gesture of remembrance for her dead brothers or something. Like just tell him some story about how Bran liked climbing the tower all the time and she wants to light a candle for him. Boom

This show is all about Gender, sex, and rape though. I'm not sure how one would review the show without talking about it.

It always seemed to me that people were really enamored with Dorne, but really hate the Iron Islands stuff. Personally I think I would have rather had the Iron Islands plot in the show…they are so much more relevant to this story than the Dornish.

So did they finally get 25 people sewn together in this one or what? It really bugged me in the first one that he only sewed three people together. How can you call something with only 12 limbs a centipede

I dont know if I'd call this a "standard" Finn and Jake episode. This seems to have been written by someone who hasn't watched much of the show and assumed it was more childish than it is. Wasn't really for me but I must admit neither were the other two guest animated episodes.

I wonder if it might have worked better if Littlefinger had told her in the Vale, maybe even last season, and she vocally grappled with the idea that she would have to consummate a marriage with the son of the man who murdered her family. She finally decides to go through with it (one or two episodes later) when she

You can't even start at killing Joffrey, you have to start at getting Lysa to kill Jon Arryn, telling her to blame the Lannisters, etc…. I don't think the idea is that he's planned all of this in advance though. They laid it out pretty well in the chaos ladder speech - he sows chaos and then takes advantage of

luckily it was the end of his post

Its crazy how much I miss Joffrey right now. Would be so satisfying to see his reaction to the faith militant trying this shit

Areo Hotah says I still know how to use my axe, then we immediately cut to Bronn singing. I think they're dropping some hints here.

He's Ultron+Tony+Jarvis' kid.

My examples may have been a bit extreme, but the point remains. And as Cappadocius puts it, history only remembers so much and only for so long, and in a world like Ooo that memory could be very short.

I love these glimpses of Ooo's future. I don't think they're hinting that there's some bleak ending in store for Finn and Jake though, or that the series itself will lack closure. Finn and Jake's story could conclude perfectly, with everything working out and everyone happy, and this future will still be in store

The fact that you mentioned "boy-oriented" is kind of getting at what makes Korra so special though. It's a female protagonist, surrounded by a whole slew of powerful women, but its not girl oriented. It's a truly gender neutral show that can be enjoyed by girls and boys equally. The same goes for a lot of shows up

I mean, book 1 set us up for a sweet revenge story for the Starks, and then look what happens, Rob just dies. OK but then Arya could still avenge her family right? Well then Tywin and Joffrey die, Cersei is disgraced, Jaime loses his hand/becomes a better man (and isn't even on her list), and Tommen never did

I'd sort of like it if R+L=J is canonically true but nothing ultimately comes of it, it feels very GRRM to set up a classic hero's journey and cut it off at step one - Jon never even gets to refuse the call because he never hears the call in the first place. Kind of like that dude in that Mark Twain story who was the