
I think "so she can help Sansa escape WInterfell" is a pretty satisfying trajectory for her…I'm not sure "and then what??" is really a fair question, I mean protecting Sansa is her whole quest. That's like saying, so Dany get's over to Westeros on her dragons and takes over, and then what???

There's no way Loras would see these dudes who he doesn't even recognize, dudes he'd probably just assume were riff raff from the street, and just let them arrest him. He'd cut them all down

But that would only be ironic if Adventure Time was random kids television

Well, Yara states at the end of the sequence "my brother is dead." So she's calling it quits for good, not just retreating. While I won't argue with you as far as execution goes, it did pretty much resolve The story as far as theon and his family are concerned. They've abandoned him.

This pronouncement probably doesn't refer to 19 and counting, which is unfortunate because of all of their programming I find that one the most insidious.

Nah it's been mentioned a few times

Didn't they wrap up the yara plot last season with her failed rescue attempt

^this is the reason. It's not JUST the line that people are missing, it's the initial plan to hang him, which made Jon's decision to behead Janos a very personal one. In the show, beheading seems to be standard operating procedure and so deflates a bit of the drama and general badassery.

If the biggest complaint you're getting is "you're too thorough!" you're probably doing just fine

As neat as Mance's plot was going forward in the books, it's hard to complain with the way it turned out here (if he really is dead). The bard stuff is cool but it doesn't really say much about the character, not as much as him being the man who would rather burn than kneel…seems a more fitting end for him IMO, and

Mikey's death was pretty horrifying. Something about watching a character die who knows he's dying and can't do anything about it is especially disturbing to me - it makes me consider mortality in a more visceral way than seeing a character just get shot and drop dead like Carl did. Devil's death in season 3 gave me

They can touch everything but themselves…

I liked this episode a lot but I wish Rick had just manhandled the doctor. I guess you could say the doc's a naturally big/strong guy and so its impressive that Rick eventually beat him regardless of how difficult it was, and I get that they wanted Rick to be covered in blood for his freak out…but I think there are

Speaking of W's, Anyone else think it's weird that every letter in the alphabet has a unique name except W? Like, they can come up with a unique name for U but W just gets to be two U's?

It's not like Christians can't watch good cinema that isn't shamelessly pandering to them. Did you see Birdman? It was good.

These episodes are dangerously re-watchable

why are the supports on the outside of the wall

Some people wear their clothes to bed dude. Its not THAT weird.

I was thinking the exact same thing when the beard came off; the grime is gone but the trauma is still there. Andrew Lincoln is a good actor.

Easier to make a good movie out of Adventure Time than Spongebob or the Simpsons tbh.