
I really, really hope the film is 2d animation. Adventure Time just as it is just more fluid and detailed, like a Natasha Allegri drawing animated, would be amazing. Live action or CGI won't do this property justice.

How much discussion and analysis does Gumball and Teen Titans Go really need?

I wish we had weekly reviews of Steven Universe, though I know not enough people would likely read them. Yesterday's episode was great.

I dunno if you're just trolling but Steven Universe is cut from the same cloth as Adventure Time, it's a show that takes continuity and its own internal logic very seriously. Really good characters, story, and animation too. It's certainly nothing like Uncle Grandpa which is just random nonsense for the sake of

I like how you only quoted the first half of my sentence. The second half was "when it comes to recruiting young people."

Paige's Christianity plot has really paid off now that her parents are actually considering bringing her into the fold - their form of indoctrination might ultimately fail because she's already been indoctrinated. Indoctrinated by an organization with less scruples than even the KGB when it comes to recruiting young

Only thing I don't quite get: Why can't Ava/Fekus just tell Catherine/Duffy that BOYD got him to recant when he, you know, tied him to a chair and scared the shit out of him? Duffy and co. would totally buy that and it's not even technically a lie. Even *Boyd* would buy that - he'd just assume he'd left a bigger

I think they've come up with pretty ingenious ways to integrate them though. Markham is buying up property in Harlan - of course he'd want the Bennet's old property. Loretta being the current owner, having nabbed it from Dickie, boom, perfect. Got two birds with one stone on that one. Ava understandably tries to

You'll be surprised and disappointed when you find that the Museum of Modern Art is also an exercise in creative masturbation.

I think it would be more distracting with the stache. Every time we'd see him we'd think, Sam Elliot! I still kind of do that but sans stache gives him more room to be his own character.

What exposition did we need? Who Finn's mom is? Who cares? The point was (as I think someone said below) to put Finn's development over the last season or so to the test. Finn in "The Tower" would never be able to sit down with Martin without ripping his arm off or killing him. But Finn's grown, he doesn't feel

I think Sweet P is indeed his own persona separate from the Lich - I think all the organs and tissues that grew from the Guardian's blood is all stuff that grew ON the Lich, but isn't necessarily a part of the Lich himself - the Lich being only made of bone, everything else, including the brain that grew inside his

So "Gold Stars" is definitely a reference to True Detective's "black stars" right? There's similar lovecraftian themes running through both.

So the final episode is definitely going to mirror the first episode right? Raylan, Ava, and Boyd in the kitchen, and one of them gets shot. Raylan's decision to miss Boyd's heart in the pilot will either turn out to have simply delayed the inevitable, or will ironically result in his own death at Boyd's hand.

I wasn't sure they'd ever be able to come up with a good explanation as to why the crown not only gives you ice powers and drives you insane, but gives you very particular traits - the beard, blue skin, long nose, and Tom Kenny's voice. Not only did they accomplish this, they managed to make it really compelling too.

It makes so much sense for Finn and PB's relationship to be entering this more mature phase now, because Finn himself is more mature. In the first few seasons Finn was physically too young, and he just had to wait until he was old enough for PB to see him as an equal. The really cool thing is Finn's been aging more

I kind of feel the opposite, the final season's really made me appreciate the series as a whole, though I certainly didn't find the first two seasons lackluster to begin with. It is a bummer that we didn't get more of Jinora or Tenzin's siblings, but the only reason we got their stories in the first place was because

You can buy it on itunes in 1080p

She didn't give up JUST because Korra talked to her for 30 seconds. She also just witnessed Korra stand up to her super weapon with her bare hands, ripping open a hole in space time due to the raw power of it all. Kuvira was ready to give up before Korra said a word.

Lack of character development?