
What makes it a great series finale is that it so succinctly wraps up Korra's series long character arc. That's really all the final season had to do and it did it perfectly.

This finale really snapped the whole series into focus for me. Korra lays it out in her last scene with Tenzin: she had to experience true suffering to learn compassion, compassion being the most important element in bringing balance to the world. Its such a simple through line but it's paid off so well it's

This episode deserves an A just for that reaction shot of Fry glaring while he chews.

I thought this was an A episode.

Just wanna say I think its really cool the AV Club hired an illustrator to create an image for this. It makes the article feel a lot more substantive than other "best of" lists across the internet. The illustration looks great too!

"Between having laser weapons and flying mechas, this universe is now more technologically advanced than our own in a large number of areas."

I love how dangerous Su is. She's always fighting to kill

Yeah I feel pretty much exactly how you do regarding Alien and Aliens, Alien is of course the better film, but for that reason I really can't knock Aliens for going a different way. If it had gone a similar route, it would probably be a largely forgettable sequel disappearing under the first film's shadow, and would

OK alien 3 rant time - I think I remember Ebert saying Alien 3 committed the cardinal sin of the sequel - it rendered moot what came before. People aren't pissed because they liked Newt and Hicks and didn't want them dead, they're pissed because narratively you just hit the damn reset button on Aliens. With one or

Shane was an irrational man baby who only cared about himself yet had the capacity to be extremely brutal. Rick can be extremely brutal but from what we've seen, it's almost always from a rational point of view and for the good of the group, not himself.

The dudes welcoming Prismo back and Prismo saying thank you in that really sincere way hit me in just the right place actually.

God dammit this episode was cool

Pen's still thoroughly involved from what I understand. He's writing/storyboarding. I can't imagine the current direction of the show is something he's not happy with. I don't think the quality has dipped at all really, unlike apparently a lot of viewers I think AT is as good as its ever been.

His read on this episode is pretty straightforward and seems about right to me. There's only been one maybe two occasions when I thought he was digging to deep, not so here.

That article sums up how I've always felt about this show. IRL, people would be getting their shit together, as the article states, within hours of the shit hitting the fan. Two years into the ZA and there *isnt* a ZA anymore.

yeah fourvel's such a ridiculous character that you need Lord ALW to play the *straight man* opposite him.

That line made me laugh way too hard

Yeah, he was too loud and confident. If you listen to fourvel's first appearance on the podcast, he's very soft spoken and his voice quivers a lot more.

Well, no point complaining about the episode, it is what it is and the creators know it. They couldn't do ember island players because ember island players was still all NEW animation, they made that episode for creative reasons not budgetary ones. As I understand it, they didn't have the money for new animation,

So according to that logic, Carol and Daryl could just sprout wings, blow a whole in the hospital's wall with their laser vision, grab beth and fly back to Rick and company on their feathered appendages of gossamer. Got a problem with that? Have you noticed there are zombies???