
These guys in particular were pretty bad as far as acting goes. But that kind of made Scott's dismissal of them satisfying.

Yeah, I think CG backgrounds can look good and be incorporated pretty seamlessly, but when it comes to characters, I can't think of one example where mixing CG and traditional has looked good. In an ideal world, they'd have the time and money to do these CG animations, then simply use them as reference material for a

The problem with the mechs isn't that they're mechs, its that they're CG animated. If they were drawn like the human characters I think those fight scenes would be very cool, but as it is they just don't gel.

There's no reason to assume Kuvira would send unskilled lackeys on a mission to kidnap the prince. These dudes were probably former members of Su's badass security force.

The original plan could easily have been to knock both Mako and Wu out with the gas, depending on where Mako normally decides to stand guard.

I was more coming from the point that "the most dangerous thing Maggie could think of doing is get pregnant." That might be hyperbolic, but nonetheless when the point is that *getting pregnant* is dangerous in her situation, differentiating deaths caused by childbirth and deaths caused by pregnancy complications is

We needed just ONE more flashback at the jump, the one where Abraham comes back from scavenging and finds his wife and children, distraught and roughed up, who tell him that these men brutalized and raped them (and maybe refers to them by their first names so we know they know each other), and BAM. We know what's

Why distinguish "childbirth" deaths and deaths from "pregnancy complications"? Relative to this discussion, they mean exactly the same thing - dying as a result of getting pregnant.

Apology accepted

Glen and Abraham's conversation in the library was really stylishly lit and composed, it's so nice to see that kind of visual flare on this show.

I dunno man, we're five episodes in and Terminus is resolved, hunters story-line is resolved, Eugene's secret is out of the closet, and we've get Beth's whole thing ongoing. I'm not sure they could have done all of these things any faster than they did, with the possible exception of Beth's thing, but we'll see how

Yeah, this. Wirt hides behind the grave of Quincy Endicott in the cemetery, who was the tea tycoon in chapter 5.

Does Cartoon Network have a signature style? Shows like Adventure Time and Steven Universe are the ones that come to mind when I think of whats been "propping up" the network the past few years, and both are very different and beautifully animated in their own right. I don't see over the garden wall as stepping away

I don't know if anyone has pointed this out yet but Kuvira's troops look very much like German soldiers wearing Stahlhelms and gas masks.

I was relieved to see Korra's PTSD come back. Removing the metal shouldn't have been the ultimate solution, and I'm glad it wasn't. Korra needed to fix her body, but she also needs to fix her psyche.

I thought it was great. The fight was hard to watch, in a good way (it would have been easy to watch if I didn't give a shit about Korra or the story being told). I think this season is developing really nicely so far.

Kind of nuts (and awesome) that our heroes were literally on a ninja assassination mission in that opening scene. And later Kuvira was totally going to kill Korra with those metal blades. They're not even being subtle about it. So why cant they just say kill??

Looked very good to me. The fight between Korra and Kuvira was expertly choreographed and executed imo

It's easy to hate on the bechdel test, and yeah a lot of people use it in the wrong way and are pretty obnoxious about it, but go watch the latest season of the legend of korra. Watch that, and understand how insane it is that stuff actually fails this incredibly easy to pass test.

People have been saying paulbearer but this feels right to me