
That's interesting because the show improved for me a tiny bit when Shane and Lori were out of the picture. Can't give the show credit for that though, their characters were just insufferable for me. And season 4 is actually where I started to come back around a bit, I sort of liked the vignette episodes and stuff,

There was a pretty long stretch basically since season 1 (except for the pilot) until season 4ish that I was more often than not hate watching it and enjoying the snark here at the av club. It's improved enough now though that I can enjoy it sincerely.

That's actually enough scripture to serve as the basis of a legitimate religious movement should the zombie apocalypse ever happen for real. There are plenty religious philosophies and ideas IRL that are based on much less.

i've come around to the group's three question thing. I also like how the third question "why" is asked regardless of the answer to the second question.

People don't turn slowly, nor do they turn quickly. They turn precisely when the writers need them to.

Only thing I'm a little disappointed about so far is the lack of jinora. She hasn't even had any lines yet and we're three episodes in. Considering where last season left off, I was hoping to see her more front and center this season. But I guess there's still time.

If the avatar can achieve real balance, then it'll be a fitting conclusion for both Korra and the Avatar series in general. Don't need a super villain for it to work

Ah I thought u were trying to give the termites a reason for cannibalizing people

I didn't say there wouldn't be conflict, there was certainly conflict when we were hunter gatherers, I mean even chimps kill each other over territory and resources. But we're also not gonna be living in a world where people are killing each other left and right, a world so savage that saving a baby is considered

Imagine trying to catch a deer with your bare hands, or any wild animal for that matter. Now imagine trying to catch an animal with your bare hands but with .001% of your normal brain power and a weak, rotting body to go along with it.

I started off talking about the cannibalism (which, yes, could be explained via some religious beliefs or insanity on the part of the termites) but kind of ended up talking about the brutality in general, and how silly the concept that humans will instantly turn on each other/go insane the second modern society falls

I may have mentioned this at some point before but the subject of cannibalism bugs me here the same way it bugs me in stuff like the Last of Us…both cases I think were heavily inspired by The Road, but both are missing a crucial factor of The Road - the Earth is still saturated with life. In the Road, the earth is

I think you are meant to notice those things, but its more an act of world building than anything else. The handcuffs infer a backstory for that zombie. This is something they like to do a lot, implying the existence of other stories happening outside the frame that we're just not privy to. It makes the world feel

I was thinking this too, but it kind of makes sense. Carol probably wasn't 100% sure Judith was even still alive at that point, any number of things could have happened (and almost did). Would be kind of shitty to tell Rick she's alive to be like, oh woops nvm!

Yeah the ending of Abaconing was a little strange for me…especially because it was Tyson voicing Waddles, a guy who (I assume) really wouldn't like the implications there. It's sort of suggesting a comfort in ignorance and the benefits of a "simple" life over one of science and understanding, and one of the points

Animation looked as good as ever to me. They do need to allocate their budget economically, so certain scenes like the expository one at the start with Asami might have less going on. Every action scene was executed fantastically though.

I wish nora beat her mom's face in with the ashtray instead of beheading her

Saying "if you saw it in real life it would be terrifying" isn't really an argument because almost everything in fiction would be terrifying in real life. Imagine seeing Alf in real life, you'd crap your pants and he's not even supposed to be scary. You have to judge fake stuff on a different curve than real stuff.

Maybe if the worms couldn't burrow through your skin on their own, and thus HAD to be injected through the stinger, that would even things out a bit. I do like seeing them writhing around on the ground after a vamp is beheaded, but yeah the fact that any one of those can burrow through your skin and clothes is way

The Descent was a good movie