
I'm fine with ambiguity, but I gotta say when I saw the scene my immediate impression was that Tony was just shot in the head. It wasn't until I saw all of the speculation and the dodgy responses from Chase that I realized it was supposed to be left to interpretation.

I think the problem is the fact that Eph kept on running after scoring the first hit. Like, why? He's clearly in range, and there was a solid 3-5 seconds after the first shot where eichorst was just standing there. Instead of even attempting a second shot he decides to keep running? Obviously Eichorst had to get

You're looking at it through the lens of our modern world. Yeah, hard to justify it NOW. Not that long ago (relatively speaking), you could get burned at the stake just for saying the wrong thing. Try to kidnap a living God? Who knows what kind of punishment people just a hundred years removed from us would meet

Well, i watched a video of it, and yeahh it still looks more like Dynasty Warriors than anything else (I would say the same about metal gear rising too though). I guess it's just disappointing for me that Korra's attacks function exactly like attacks in any other fighting game. A next gen avatar game should at least

I thought about the capital punishment thing at the start of the season. If you have these four people, who each require a whole heavily specialized facility to contain them, and the consequences of their escape are potentially world altering, you'd think maybe just executing them would be justified.

Yeah but its more Dynasty Warriors than anything else, not really what he was describing


Man see I'm liking book 1's ending with Amon more and more. I love the story of Amon and Tarlokk's father raising the brothers to hate the avatar and republic city. It's like Hamilcar raising Hannibal and Hasdrubal to hate Rome. The idea that all of the suffering Republic city (or Rome, in the case of Hamilcar and

I thought Spirits was pretty good

I rank my seasons according to the captain planet theme song as well.

If one doesn't have cinemax, is there any other way to view this show? Episode 1 is streaming on their website but it looks like that's just a one time thing.

the dude got airbending like, a week ago. He's doing pretty well for himself

but if Zaheer gets there first it doesn't matter when Korra gets there, really. Either way the airbenders will be rounded up and used as leverage against her, whether she gets there right after they're rounded up, a few hours later, or a day later. The only chance to circumvent the situation was to get word to the

However fast the dragon is, it ain't faster than a radio transmission bro

I think it's definitely clear that the Northern air temple is pretty far away, and if nothing else, Zaofu is closer (like, a whole lot closer). So they go to Zaofu because radioing them from there would be faster than making the trip. The logic works for me.

The writers probably didn't wan't their gargoyles toting guns around the city (which they logically might choose to do) so having an episode that gives them a really firm reason not to makes sense.

It seems Nick is still in that weird area where they feel OK about depicting death on their network, but are reluctant to let their show's writers actually use the words "kill" and "die". Everyone's all "why didn't you take Korra out?" or "this is the guy that just took the Earth Queen down!" Its weird. You SHOWED

I liked Amon's reveal. There I said it.

Pretty sure all of that was intentional. I don't think peacemaster was ever meant to be seen as a bad guy. What happens to him is just plain cruel and isn't meant to be seen any other way, IMO.

it's god damn bullshit is what it is