
I don't really agree with this interpretation. I don't think jaime was ever on an "evil to good" character arc. He isn't on an arc at all. He is who he is. He's a monster that's also a human being, and is thus, at times, capable of good. We just didn't know about the good part until we spent more time with him,

I think the severing of Finn's arm worked really well thematically the way it happened. Losing the arm isn't JUST about pointing out what a scumbag his dad is, it's about Finn literally holding on to the fantasy that his father wouldn't abandon him by choice, and it takes losing his arm to realize that he would and

The rape was in the books as well, in both instances.

he's right though.

See, i don't think they're writing in extra rape. Dany was raped in the books, as was Cersei. They just just removed some of the ambiguity. I don't think there's anything wrong with the way they presented the scene between Jaime and Cersei - Jaime is a bad dude, his life is in shambles, and he did something awful

Nah he doesn't disappear. He wishes for Finn and Jake to go back home to Ooo, and they do. And he's stuck there.

the baby changes everything!

The clock face gag got me especially good. And Tree Trunks' failing marriage.

I guess we'll know for sure once that baby grows up.

A lot of people are saying Jaime's declaration that he'd die before being raped, and his risking his life to save Brienne from it, represents a double standard in his willingness to rape Cersei. However, I don't think anyone can deny that, in Jaime's mind, being raped by strange, violent men on the road as their

There's also the element of approaching Oberyn when he's most vulnerable.

This season is so good its retroactively making me like season 1 more, not that I didn't like, but the reasoning behind how Hannibal was "helping" Will by cultivating his encephalitis and framing him for murder was pretty murky to me. This season has slowly racked that reasoning into focus, and we now see what

Well yeah, and as an audience we know for a fact that Miriam is wrong. BUT, that dude did go to jail before the DNA evidence exonerated him (and, this being Hannibal, we can assume there won't be any hard evidence exonerating Chilton). My point is, while Hannibal probably wouldn't be able to convince Jack or Will,

the orgy of evidence against Chilton is certainly a bit over the top, but it would also be really hard to ignore as a jury. Beyond the bodies though, you have Miriam Lass' utterly assured conviction that it was him. Any misgivings regarding his physical capabilities/digestion issues kind of fall to the wayside in

I just recently upgraded, and I'm really liking it so far. Dont really understand all the hate.

Amazing how good this show is.

I think it was strongly implied that the "veal" he eats with Bedelia was Abigail

Yeah, plus the whole idea of having the FBI agent in the FBI agent/serial killer team up actually be a victim of said serial killer adds a new layer to the dynamic. And it'd make sense to replace Will Graham with a character we already know, who has a history with Hannibal, and would have particular interest in

Now that we know Miriam Lass is alive it'll be interesting to see what the show does with her. I've always kind of suspected that (if she turned out to be alive) she would fill the Clarice Starling role in season 5, if they can't get the rights to the character. That's probably ridiculous though.

Also Lecter mentions the famous census taker this episode, whose liver he ate with some fava beans and a nice chianti