
Which, it turns out, almost killed him

hm that's good to know

Usually when you submit portfolio work to big companies like Disney, there's a disclaimer stating that by submitting work you acknowledge that any future material from the company that resembles or is identical to your submitted work is purely coincidental and you aren't entitled to any compensation for said

I had that thought too. The Walking Dead dream team right there.

I get that he was fucked up but resources weren't scarce, the game went out of its way to point out that the Earth was thriving in absence of humanity ('d say the fact that it takes place decades after collapse would mean more resources not fewer). Maybe it was a particularly tough winter so the cannibalism thing was

I'm a little surprised that I liked this episode as much as i did.

Every reply so far ends with tip.

If we're going to needlessly nit-pick, I'd also like to point out that Pluto wasn't downgraded from planet because of its size, but because scientists realized it was just one of many objects in the Kuiper belt, all of which fall into a different category of celestial body. So Pluto could actually be bigger and they

So it's fine for all of these things to intermingle in each other's universes, simply because they are all fictional? Harry Potter is fictional, and so is Luke Skywalker, so having Harry show up in episode 7 makes sense?

Yeah this is pretty much what I was thinking, I was expecting Rick to toss off a similar explanation at some point in the episode, but he just sort of accepted him as THE devil. Still, I guess this is what it'll have to be in my head-cannon.

I really enjoyed this episode and thought the whole concept of Rick undermining the devil's games with science was a lot of fun, but I am a little weirded out by the greater implications of this for the show's universe. I guess the final lines of the review sum it up, "things are just possible here, roll with it"

Yeah, that whole segment was a not so subtle middle finger to creationist ideas

No piece of science can ever tell you Yahweh doesn't exist for certain, this is very true. It also can't tell you that Krishna doesn't exist, or Allah, or Zeus or Odin. It also can't tell you that Bigfoot doesn't exist, or unicorns or dragons. It can't tell you for sure that there isn't a toaster in orbit around

I like Chris Hardwick

Wait, I might have been in the bathroom and missed it, was this actually the explanation of the cave in?

The point is resources wouldn't be dwindling. This isn't The Road, the Earth didn't die with society.

You'd think, being a post Dexter show, Hannibal would have learned a thing or two about the importance of constant VO and ghost dads. Really sad that Bryan Fuller and co. refuse to learn from the best.

I don't know, the complaints of anti feminism on this show are pretty off the mark I think. Its like people have these blanket rules and guidelines for proper gender etiquette now, that, if not met, means a show is "disappointing" at best and misogynistic at worst, regardless of context. Are there enough female

it's probably already been mentioned, but I just realized the goggles Rick gives Beth Jerry and Summer are the same goggles he puts on to scan for suitable realities in Rick potion #9. Pretty neat bit of continuity.

I had to laugh every time Roiland would crack himself up doing his insane improv TV commercials.