
"And while it would be an interesting twist if either of them was involved…"

I mean, I guess so. I'm fully prepared to be proven wrong next week. But given that this is a world where cosmic horror is like, an actual thing and all, and that this cult is sort of the physical manifestation of it, Marty's daughter should be in the insane asylum like Kelly. You don't just go goth after

I think that ship has sailed. If his daughter were involved with a ceremony like that, she'd be dead.

This show has some of, if not the best animation on television right now. The simplicity of the character design allows for a fluidity and freedom of camera movement that a more detailed/realistic style doesn't.

hm. That's actually a pretty legit solution haha. Would actually be a pretty fitting thematic conclusion to simon and marcy's story I think.

I think they're just really taken with the visual contrast of the industrial mixing with the Louisiana landscape. They just make for really striking images.

I think the very concept that if a story isn't surprising then it can't be enjoyed fully is completely false. "I saw it coming" doesn't mean "it wasn't good." Sometimes the "obvious" ending is just the inevitable one. Nothing wrong with that.

It might be that he simply lost his cool realizing he might not have gotten his man in 95. Though it seemed to me Rust did want to make the confession inadmissible on purpose, but I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe just so he'd have an excuse to come back and have another go at the dude.

I think Rust being the killer would be the trick he's talking about. Everything we've seen of the past tells us pretty clearly that he's innocent. It's only from the 2012 POV, without the benefit of actually seeing what happened and only knowing the public account of what happened, that Rust looks like a possible

All of these naked shows sound like horse shit BUT Naked and Afraid is actually pretty good you guys.

blegh that scene on the bus…having her kill a zombie with the same haircut as glen, and then have her cry for what seemed like five minutes just to jerk us around (when we know full well he isn't dead) was just….so dumb.

The guy voicing Goldenfold is doing a fantastic job. He's only had like a handful of lines so far and he's made me laugh basically every time. Real nice, mrs. pancakes.

I got the same impression. Next episode I suspect we'll meet Kurtz.

I love how we're told right off the bat that even in 2012, 17 years after the fact, nobody knows about Rust and Marty's "operation." It's not even in a redacted file somewhere. It's just, Rust went on vacation for two weeks.

The reviewer actually touched on your first nitpick pretty well i think

He's not going to try to flip him, he's just gonna beat Ledoux's wherabouts out of him

the guy in prison is the victim's (the woman tied up with the antlers from episode 1) ex-husband. Man in prison was cell mates with the man (ledoux) who Rust and Marty suspect killed the victim. Man in prison points them in the direction of Tyrone (the man who Marty interrogates in the club) who might know Ledoux's

It was an AA 12, but that's also an auto shotgun with a drum mag, so tomato tomato.

I wonder if Rick could have just visited one of the realities in which he saves the day and DOESN'T die, and ask his more successful self how he fixed the disaster, then return and apply the method. I'm not saying that would have been a better ending (I really, really liked the ending to this one) but that option did

Gotta grade each show on it's own curve. A B+ for a Rick and Morty episode still means basically better than anything else on right now.