
yeah the action scenes fell flat for me and it was because the mix was off. Just goes to show the importance of sound in film, looking forward to watching the episode again with the proper mix.

Soo…that was a pitched up Dan Harmon rapping at the dance right? It didn't really sound like him until i heard the yo yo yo's in between verses

I think we're already seeing the effects of this lifestyle with Rick's alcoholism. Morty will probably head down a similar road, I mean how else do you forget that the world you're living in isn't the world you grew up in, that your family belongs to a slightly different Morty who you saw dead and buried, and that

I think this makes a lot of sense, except that Rust never invokes that argument that all the evil in the world contradicts the notion of an all powerful, benevolent God. His points against religion stand firm regardless of the evil he's seen or hasn't seen. I do agree that the character probably was christian at

Is that the consensus? Of all Rust's not entirely cogent philosophical ramblings, his comments on religion seemed the most straightforward and sensible to me.

the demon blood sword was badass, made more so because it belonged to Finn and Jake's dad and thus felt important, it had a legacy.

I think he just sounds like that. The character is aging pretty much in step with the voice actor, so no need for him to try and make himself sound younger.

They confirmed it in "The Pit"

No no, Finn's arm has ALWAYS been bionic, and it's been covered in fake skin this entire time

Not to mention we've seen how blase Rick can be when confronted with dark situations, but even Rick found this serious enough that he couldn't just brush it off. Morty gave him an out, but Rick went out of his way to finish the adventure. I'm glad this show isn't going to be relentlessly cynical.

Yeah sometimes a cursed grass sword is just a cursed grass sword. Finn's been using swords literally the entire series even before he was maturing sexually, were all of his swords phallic symbols? I get that sheathing and unsheathing it might look suggestive to some, but it's also presumably a requirement of the

Yes this may be the fifth version of that type of episode. But it's also the LAST. It feels appropriate to go to this well one last time for Pierce's death.

It did to me too, though reflecting back on the series, I really can't remember any meaningful interactions between Abed and Pierce (except for that bit that Chevy refused to shoot).

Also how Abed makes sure to dodge the "do you actually care about anyone" question

So the fact that this show is watched by humans means that any fantastical society created therein, no matter how fundamentally alien it is, must then be comparable to human civilization and fit within its definitions and standards?

"I don't know why anyone would want to be friends with her. At least Ice King has his crown as an excuse and everyone still treats him like garbage."

It's not really comparable to human civilizations though, because in human civilizations you have humans trying to control other humans which allows for questioning of authority. PB created all of the candy people, you can't really question her authority over them. I mean, you could if we knew they were actually

I don't think he realized until the final level of the simulation. The tag after the credits doesn't make sense if Rick knew all along. He thought Morty was real and eventually realized he wasn't, and despite winning out in the end it disturbed him a bit.

Not only was this episode funny, exciting, well animated and acted, it had legitimately cool sci fi concepts as well. The "world is a simulation" concept has been done of course, but the idea of it running like a treadmill, only rendering exactly what it needs to to conserve CPU power, and the fact that if you add