
I'm a little surprised we didn't get Duncan back sooner, seeing as how Jeff is a teacher now and all. I was expecting Duncan to play the role Hickey did in the first couple of episodes, showing Jeff the ropes and stuff.

Bought a TV last year that just happened to be 3d, never really thought I'd use it and still haven't for movies, but I have tried playing the HD re release of Shadow of the Colossus in 3d and it really adds to the experience. Kind of bummed about this news, maybe 3d will come back when glasses-less is a viable option.

Just wanna say the Gendarmerie uniforms are pretty cool. I like how that single reflective stripe becomes this long unbroken line when a bunch of officers are lined up shoulder to shoulder.

Look up Moses' genocide of the Midianites. God instructs Moses and the Israelites to kill every man and every woman whose slept with a man, and to take any young virgin girl as plunder. So not just rape but child rape, right after you killed their parents!

Just want to point out that a lot of people who come out against religion don't (entirely) care whether the religion does good or bad things, they care about whether its teachings reflect reality.

I think you meant to respond to Herald's comment because what you're saying is basically the point I was trying to make (maybe not the first part). We had anatomically modern humans about 200,00 years ago and the neolithic revolution was only about 10,000 years ago. So that's 190,000 years of hunting and gathering

Its definitely what they were going for, they didn't even try to be remotely subtle about any of it, which is kind of amazing.

While I do wish Homeland was the serious, realistic spy story the first season hinted it was, I am enjoying the pulpy super spy stuff they've got going on this season. Commit one of your agents to the insane ward and publicly burn her in order to lure and capture the guy who financed a bombing on CIA headquarters,

A Fistful of Dollars?

I don't know man, I could easily be wrong about all of this but I think anatomically modern humans have been around for something like 200,000 years. The Neolithic revolution was only about 10,000 years ago. That's a HUGE swath of time in between.

I seriously don't buy the idea that surviving aint living. Humans survived a long time in the wild as hunter gatherers, in the food chain, and while I'm sure life was very difficult and dangerous, I can't imagine they were just completely miserable and better off dead the whole time. I think its weird to think that

Yeah I don't perceive much depth in their relationship

He didn't exactly say that women are incapable of being funny, more that men feel a much greater need to be funny than women do (as a means of attracting the opposite sex), and have perhaps evolved thusly. Do I agree with him? No (please don't read this as me agreeing with him). Is that a good enough reason to

yeah i can't quite remember either. I will say that when Tim said it was all totally scripted the first time, it came off as a joke to me. A really dry Tim Heidecker joke but a joke nonetheless.

They also take that back and say of course none of this is scripted. WHICH IS IT MR. PRESIDENT

I can't remember, was Camille suffering a back injury in the crash ever actually established or is it just something we assume?

"what are you doing?"
"Im burying you!"
"You're waking the neighbors! Shut up!"

I don't agree with the sentiment (we've been shown time and again how much she cares for her citizens) but the Candy Kingdom kind of IS her own personal Sim game, I mean she did create it and everyone living there.

Yeah PB's never going to be a villain because she isn't one. She's not evil either. Yes she can be morally ambiguous, and yes she can take an "ends justify the means" approach to certain situations, but she's never done anything even remotely close to evil.

Here's my question though; was burning his wife a necessity? Couldn't he have just told Lockhart to step away from the job? Lockhart gives the job up, Saul gets it instead, and he never has to tell anyone about the affair.