
but all their supplies were looted

I think this season's been consistently better than even the first season. Like yes, the pilot episode was incredible. But after that it was a very steady decline in quality culminating in the really silly CDC stuff that might have been my least favorite moment of show thus far. We haven't really had a standout

I'm pretty sure Jitters (sp?) said that people can turn anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. So yeah, the writers just gave themselves carte blanche to have characters turn at exactly the right moment every single time.

I can forgive the giant blue spirit thing because she did it during harmonic convergence. Maybe HC is to spirity stuff as Sozin's comet is to firebending. We've never seen someone make a giant blue version of themselves because no one's tried it during HC before.

It bums me out that they've had to deal with this from the beginning. I wonder what LoK would have looked like had they at least known they'd be getting a second book. I mean, its a sequel series to the last airbender, you'd think nick would have ponied up the cash without so much reservation.

I think what he means is that the concept of zombies never existed in this world prior to the events of the tv show. Like, there's no Romero movies. That's why nobody calls them "zombies" because they arent familiar with the term.

Its a really pretty show you guys, you should give it a chance at least.

Yeah Adult Swim can definitely have weirder and more obtuse comedy, but I don't think really anything on there is more mature than RS, Adventure Time, and now Steven Universe.

Are there any plans to reimplement the "following" bar? Or notifications in general? I like the look of the site but those features were genuinely cool and pretty unique to the AV Club

I was actually just about to mention the same thing. Last week some were speculating that Carol might end up filling Lilly's role, but now it seems Lilly will fill Lilly's role. If you look at comic Lilly's back story she's even associated with a (albeit a completely different) Megan.

Though it seems like he just installed a mic, which actually MIGHT prove useful seeing as how Carrie and Saul talk about their plans over the phone in their homes like, all the time.

That's a cool idea, but I'm not sure it gels with Mira wanting to leave last season.

Yes, that got a laugh out of me. It'l be even funnier when it becomes clear a couple weeks from now whether the show is setting up a redemptive arc for the governor or not. I like it when Hardwick says/does things that don't actually serve what the show is trying to do. And the fact that they had the governor do so

I thought Talking Dead had some genuinely funny moments tonight thanks to Hardwick. He gets a lot of hate for some reason but i think he's a genuinely good host.

I think I remember the writers saying they never want to reveal who the mole was, because according to them that's how it works in the real world. You have leaks all over the place and you rarely discover who's responsible for it.

I think he meant the baby's going to be messed up from the drugs, not that it will inherit her disorder.

I imagine melting the ice with your nose breath isn't a very powerful move bending wise, and so if he tried it, unalaq would just re-freeze it. Since Katara was facing a firebender, she didn't have to worry about Azula counteracting her moves like that.

I can think of a thematic reason for withholding that information, in that it mirrors Tenzin's realization in the fog that his perceived identity is wrong, and that he has to embrace his true self if he wants to succeed. He takes this lesson to Korra, and applies it to both her and the tree of time. If we knew

Well, if bending is neither purely physical or spiritual, but a combination of both, wouldn't it stand to reason that if you removed one of those two factors, then it wouldn't work? When someone enters the spirit world through meditation, you're subtracting the physicality from the equation. When you enter through

I thought for a second Unalaq was gonna keep him frozen there, and just let him suffocate. I think Tonraq's hand wasn't frozen so maybe we'd see that twitching and then going still. And then later Korra would find his dead body just left there like some kind of ice sculpture.