
you talk about ricin like its the only way to kill yourself.  If Walt and Jesse find themselves wanting to commit suicide after killing all of the nazis with guns, they'll probably kill themselves with those guns.

They didn't really do Walt wrong though, HE decided to leave and sell his shares.

Yeah I'm going to be really surprised if walt ends up going after Gretchen and Elliot.  It honestly didn't even cross my mind as a possibility.

i hate, HATE the idea that if something is predictable that automatically means its bad.

I'm glad the reviewer brought up the animation.  It's been bugging me since the premiere.  Believe it or not, this episode was actually a marked improvement over last week's, which was just plain not good (the fight scene at the end was well done, but everything else was really rough).  It may not be entirely fair,

This is exactly what I was thinking in the final few minutes.  This is Dexter's punishment for killing HUNDREDS of people?  Dudes choose this profession of their own free will, I'm sure it can be a very satisfying profession.  Remember the ending of Office Space?

This is exactly what I was thinking haha.  Honestly that more than anything speaks to this guy having a "moral code" of some kind, because frankly if he's got Walt in a place no one will find him LIVING, no WAY will anyone find him there if he's six feet under the ground.

Scott Buck?  More like Scott FUCK THE PAIN AWAY

I thought it was pretty clear that the portal in the north didn't need opening to solve a problem with the spirits, but to allow teleportation from one pole to the other.  I'm not enjoying these first three episodes as much as season 1's, but its hyperbole to say that none of it makes sense.

I was a bit confused to learn that it was Ikki, not Jinora, who had gone missing.  The reverse would have made more sense/been more intriguing to me, given where Jinora's plot left off last episode.

Well, from what we can tell so far, when he comes back in flash forward time he'll have had at least six months or so with eleven million dollars to get shit ready.  I bet we're going to see some fantastic chemistry magic

I'm not sure I'd call what Walt did cowardly.  It would be cowardly if he were begging for his own life.  But giving up all of his money for Hank was a redemptive action on Walt's part.

I wouldn't call anyone here Breaking Bad fanboys, I find it a bit condescending to think that just because they disagree with you they must be irrationally predisposed to do so.  No, Breaking Bad is just a great show, and Dexter's final season is dog shit.  Those are objective statements.  Most of us agree Dexter used

I laughed at #17

Well, she died by a sapling.  So that sapling grew up to be the tree Finn's house is built on, and I guess whoever built the house didn't care about or see the corpse at the base of the tree, and built on top of it.  I think that's pretty easy to buy.

I think we just saw Walt's

See, this is another reason I thought this was done with forethought.  It IS such an obvious red light; taking Holly makes Walt look more guilty and Skyler more innocent.  If there was anything Walt could have done to shift the brunt of the blame on himself, this was pretty much the best way to do it, short of turning

hmm, also, he does mention getting Holly a new car seat in the bathroom, which does imply he was planning on taking her with him.

dygitalninja - That's also why I can buy him coming up with this plan on the spot in the White household.

Well that's just it, it's such an irrational action, even for Walt in this state, and it ends up being so convenient to shift blame away from Skyler, that I think it was done with some forethought.  I'm not a Walt apologist or anything, it just makes the most sense to me.